2021 NBA Draft Discussion

He clowned people? What do you mean?

I feel like some of the issue is you have to have a pro deal to go pro… It was pretty widely reported that there was a chance he would explore pro options right?

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Yes, it was widely reported. Then he’d post on Instagram stories saying they were BS or tweeting that they were lying when people offered opinions that he’d end up going pro. Denying rumors that he was anything but 100% going to Michigan. I personally don’t care much because it gave us your infamous “Note: ‘cap’ is slang for lie” article. And it probably got him into the first round and made Michigan’s rotations much easier. Like I said, win win.

What was he supposed to say? As far as I can remember, he didn’t really do interviews ever either.

I feel like “deny the thing that might happen but hasn’t happened yet” is pretty common.

There was a lot more funny business and clowning with how the Christopher thing went down.


I mean those were generally about playing overseas; the ignite offer changed some things


People don’t leave you alone til they get an answer. He doesn’t have to say anything but he also might not want to keep getting hounded for a response to the rumors. If you say there’s some truth to the rumors, they’ll still come after you.

Think it’s pretty silly to criticize a teenager for his PR strategies.


In fairness, the G-League option came very late in the process. I still to this day think he would have ended up at Michigan if his only pro option was going overseas during a pandemic. But you get offered 6 figures to stay in LA for a year and train/play with pros and it starts to sound like a pretty pretty good gig. I didn’t fault him at all for making that decision after it presented itself

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Chill out my man, you need to calm down and step off your pedestal. I’m not “criticizing a teenager’s PR,” I’m offering a potential explanation for why a portion of M fans are salty. There’s a portion of fans who seem to actively root for him to fail and I’m trying to offer up potential reasons why they’re pissy Take a damn step back before attacking someone. I’ll delete my scandalous attacks if it makes you feel better.

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Yeah this is all fair.

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I, for one, am not rooting against him, but I would be lying if what transpired last year didn’t rub me the wrong way. If he gave Juwan Howard an idea that he was seriously considering the pro option and didn’t leave UM high and dry, so be it. But if he didn’t, and kept leading the coaches on, then I think UM fans have reason to be salty. I don’t like giving people passes for doing that at 17/18 because they’re “kids.” A lot of people at that age know right from wrong and actively pursuing something else while being “committed” is the textbook definition of selfishness.

Adults leave for better jobs and opportunities all the time without letting their employer know until the new job has been accepted. Students transfer schools all the time. Doing something you think is better for your future is not selfish, unless anyone who leaves a job under contract is also selfish, which I don’t think they are.

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Something can be advantageous for someone and at the same time selfish, they are not mutually exclusive. If I take a job knowing that I am I also interviewing for a different position that pays higher, and then end up leaving 2 weeks into the job because I was just offered another position, how is that not selfish? I’ve essentially wasted the first company’s time and prevented other candidates from being offered the job.

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Yeah, this is right. I could tell my boss I’m not going anywhere on July 13th, but if on July 14th someone offers me 6 figures to play basketball in LA for a year then it doesn’t mean I was lying on July 13th. It just means the equation changed. GLeague Elite wasn’t a thing until it was a thing.


I wish Todd didn’t do what he did in the immediate aftermath of the Christopher thing, but that’s not Todd’s fault and I can’t blame him for how things went down. He had to play the media game the way it is played.

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Todd committed in the fall and didn’t leave for the G League til May, before ever playing a minute of basketball at Michigan and 6 months before the season started. College coaches make 6+ figures, they can handle that I’m sure.

As Adam pointed out as well, if new information becomes available, things change. Before G League was a serious option, I’m sure he was 100% committed. Either way, he did what he thought was best for himself in the long term and I can’t fault him for that.

Agree to disagree. I value loyalty and commitment. I can’t support someone that is so easily swayed into changing their mind.

I don’t fault Todd for choosing the route he chose because I can’t speak to his financial situation. All I can say is that I don’t support it.

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Are we going to fault guys like Terrance Williams for changing their mind after getting a better offer? Or is that okay because it’s Michigan?


I don’t think he ever signed a LOI. So not like he owed us anything

What’s different between this and Juwan Howard leaving Miami before his contract was up for a better position?