2021 NBA Draft Discussion

Are we going to fault guys like Terrance Williams for changing their mind after getting a better offer? Or is that okay because it’s Michigan?


I don’t think he ever signed a LOI. So not like he owed us anything

What’s different between this and Juwan Howard leaving Miami before his contract was up for a better position?

In general, I don’t support decommits. What I do recall though for Terrance is that Georgetown had some scandals going on at the time of his decommitment. Not sure if that was the ultimate driver, but worth considering.


It was known that Juwan Howard was lookin for a head coaching position. He had interviewed for numerous NBA head jobs to that point.

Like I said in my OP: if Todd was transparent about his desire to play pro should the right opportunity arise, then that is one thing. But if he did a back-door deal all the while telling Michigan coaches he’s 100% committed, I’m sorry but that is selfish.

What about Trey Burke decommiting from Penn State? There was no scandal there. I demand you change your username :wink:


To tell you the truth, I didn’t follow UM basketball until end of his freshman year. I’m not going to argue one way or the other. I think I’ve made how I feel about this pretty clear.


High school prospects and their families should do everything within their power to find the best situation for them.

If that involves a hard phone call with a head coach who makes millions of dollars per year, so be it.


Yes, I don’t disagree. But the point is, their actions have down stream impact that affect more than just them. Was there consideration for that when making the decision?

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This isn’t NFL draft where multiple picks are better but NBA where getting a superstar is worth more than the draft picks. If that team believes that C-Webb is a transcendent talent, it’s worth giving up multiple 1st rounds because one player impacts the team’s overall record more than anything.

The fact that he was merely a Hall of Very Good player tells you a lot about whether or not they should have made that kind of evaluation in the first place. Miss rates on superstardom are very high even for consensus number 1 picks.


Would you give away 4 1st round picks and Penny for LBJ?

The problem with your post is it’s not hindsight 20/20. C-Webb was viewed in the same prism as LBJ as a prospect. You draft for superstars, not picks.

If it weren’t for some questionable officiating, it’s pretty likely the Kings would have won a title and Webber would be in the Hall of Fame.

Young me that didn’t care about spacing wanted to see Shaq and Webber on the same team (although Webber showed potential as a shooter in college) but the trade made sense from the Magic’s side.




Oh, right. Whoops.


I know LBJ is LeBron James in current basketball talk. But being from my generation, I can’t see LBJ without thinking “Lyndon Baines Johnson.” Makes the hypothetical trade kind of humorous to my twisted mind. :joy:


It’s not hindsight, it’s simply an example of a large data set that suggests that outcome wasn’t uncommon. If a LeBron outcome (literally a top 3 all time player) were likely then you could justify trading quite a lot more. But there’s no reason to suspect it was.

Fiiiiine but the NBA lets everybody in


A shot of a superstar is worth more than draft picks in the NBA more than any other pro sports draft. One player can make a huge impact on the trajectory of the franchise. Having more picks sounds good in theory but when your picks becomes non lottery picks, it’s almost worthless

When Webber was drafted, he easily could have played alongside Shaq. It worked great for the Spurs with Robinson and Duncan.