2021 NBA Draft Discussion

Normally, sure. But the Kings have 2 good young guards in Fox and Haliburton, so Wagner might be in a decent position as a 3 and D wing.


I love Cade ALOT, but I can’t turn down both Green AND Mobley for him, ha.


Yeah Cade is by far my favorite prospect in this draft, but Green and Mobley have big upside so to get two of them would be a no brainer.


So, this is pretty much a moot point, though, right. There really isn’t any scenario where the Pistons, somehow, trade the number one pick and get two and three, right? I mean, seriously, that’s not going to happen. Right?

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Definitely recommend watching this whole thing…

Two things stand out:

  1. The number of times Franz explains really smart plays as “just a read” or as intuition.
  2. How often says that Michigan knew what play was coming on every defensive clip.

What really set him apart on both sides of the ball was just how quickly he processed the game. Everything was so natural and intuitive that he was always a half second ahead.


I’ll miss those Mike Smith baseline bounce passes.


the draft trade talk made me think of this blockbuster

1993: In a draft night deal, Orlando acquired Penny Hardaway and three future first round picks (1996, 1998, 2000) from Golden State in exchange for Chris Webber .


I hated that deal for the Magic at the time. I never came to like it, not even when Little Penny was selling me something (sprite?)

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I remember either Franz or Moe talked the difference between European and American basketball. In Europe, young players are encouraged (or forced) to figure things out using their own intuition.

I don’t know - Penny and Shaq were quite a combo. Injuries and Shaq’s defection killed that team. Was a better fit to have a do-it-all guard paired with Shaq.

Also, Penny really was an amazing talent on court (hate him now if you want). But I remember him going toe to toe with Jordan in the 1995 playoffs as a second year player and not giving an inch.

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“G League Ignite Draft Prospect Isaiah Todd is canceling workouts with teams owning late first-round picks — such as the Jazz — because he has focused on visits with teams with lottery picks, sources said.”



Hey well lotto teams have early 2nd round picks too


Seems a little shortsighted, but hey, who am I?

I mean, trading three first rounders and Penny for Chris Webber is an awful awful trade, given what anyone could have reasonably expected at the time (ie not knowing that Penny’s career would get killed by injury or that the Magic would deal one of those first rounders (which became Vince Carter) for Antawn Jamison.

Multiple bites at the Apple to draft a top tier all star are better than 1, no matter the scouting.


I think your underrating the prospect Webber was, he was viewed as in a different world than penny around the draft.


I’m just talking about fit for the magic and as @mgl mentioned the addition of several additional first round picks kind of evened the deal.

I don’t think anyone should be so assured on their scout (because while Webber was a very good player, he never reached that level) that they choose “their guy” over four bites at a star.

I mean Webber had a better career than Penny but I think the Magic certainly got more from him than the Warriors did Webber.


Did Todd cancel those workouts or was it his mom?


I am talking about purely as they were entering the pros. Webber was a Duncan, Shaq, Zion, Anthony Davis every 3-4 years level prospect and it was at a time when bigs were way more valued than guards. That trade at the time was viewed as fair value to get a shot at a prospect like Webber.

Isaiah Todd made good money and while getting training and making contacts last year. Maybe he and his mother made the right decision.