College Basketball Open Discussion

One does not simply work during March Madness.


Unfortunately the spring is typically our busiest time of year. Fortunately my colleagues are mostly understanding when I’m gone for hours at a time right around when the Big Ten Tourney starts and for several weeks after. No idea how I’ll demonstrate any self control working from home this year though. It’s been a legitimate worry for me.

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Not sure if I can figure out how to embed this, but Chris Beard goes nuts at end of TT - WV game:

In this age of COVID, a maskless rant like this is totally unacceptable. His behavior could potentially jeopardize the health of all the participants in this game. I would hope he is seriously fined at the very least.


That is wild. Also weird that they waited that long to T him up. I can’t read his mind, but experience says that he wanted to get run as soon as he approached the official near the table. Sometimes you just give the coach what he wants. That would have saved Beard the trouble of sitting on the floor and making himself and the officials look foolish.


Agreed, he wanted the T early on yelling at the 2 officials reviewing something at the bench. I didn’t see what led up to any of this, but their partner at mid-court isn’t really responsible when you’ve got the 2 officials at the bench within 5-feet of the coach. They should’ve given the coach what he wanted early on - “deal with the behavior” is a ref camp blurb that comes to mind.

Again, it’s reckless behavior like this by Beard that needs to be dealt with severely IMO. Beard went to the WV bench and gave a fist bump to Huggins. Is his anger worth jeopardizing both team’s seasons? Ridiculous.


I think you need to slow your roll. Players are playing games without masks, teams are celebrating pouring water and hugging in enclosed spaces in a locker room after games as well. Would it be ok if a coach got into the face of a ref with a mask on?? Even if the ref isn’t wearing one??


@BurgerBoy82 I realize you’re focusing on the coach-ref interactions, maybe trying to provoke a reaction. Those refs who wear masks in the college game do so on a voluntary basis. I.e. masks aren’t required. Coaches routinely yell at refs in the college game, pull their masks down right next to the refs head. Happens all the time, and no it’s not good. It’s standard practice, and fortunately hasn’t seemed to result in spreading the disease.

I think what I’m trying to focus on is Coach going over to the other team, getting in their huddle. And the yelling with mask off at midcourt. I’ll tone down my own sensitivity to safety protocols, realizing that you’re correct - there are mask violations & there are a bunch of players running around without masks. For those folks in the gym during the game, it’s all a calculated risk. I just think when you’re on the court as a leader of a team during this COVID environment, you need to adjust your behavior. Throw as big a tantrum as you feel you need to, but do it with a mask on.


Whether or not it has a huge impact it’s a bad look as the face of a program. Also regardless of mask protocol, I know 3 year olds with more self control. Some coaches could stand to grow up a little.

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I am not trying to provoke a reaction. I just believe it’s a slippery slope and rabbit hole people shouldn’t go down. I think we are underrating the heat of the moment and what’s going on in a game. I would add that refs can use it on a voluntary basis but if they’re having a discussion with a coach a mask should be on if they decide to operate that way. I don’t believe there is a way you can 100% insulate yourself from getting the virus unless you truly do live in a bubble. A coach can get into an argument but not get it but a coach can do something as simple as wear a mask at a store and still get it.


I mean isn’t it more about reducing risk here, or am I crazy? I get that you can’t guarantee nobody gets it but that doesn’t really mean you need to give up entirely either. It’s pretty easy to pull up a mask to talk, and I’m sure he would have been heard either way.


The most bizarre thing about Beard’s flipping out was that it was over a correct call. He had no cause to be upset.

A coach flipping out over a correct call? Pretty bizarre :joy:

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Inject that right into my veins. I really missed watching last year, like so many others.

In the great tradition of predecessor Bobby Knight. To me, this is unacceptable. And the one thing we do know is that the virus is transmitted by shouting, screaming. . . Very little in sports is the end of the world, but I’d like to think that a Michigan coach would be reprimanded.


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Not Jimmy’s finest day as a fashion maven.

Ole Miss smacking Mizzou around

Arizona State is painful to watch. They look like an AAU team on both ends of the floor.


Josh Christopher hurt his draft stock going there, he continues to move down mocks.

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He also hurt his brand because he isn’t a household name playing in the Pac 12 for ASU