College Basketball Open Discussion

Kentucky falls at home to Arkansas, 81-80

Another tough night for the blue bloods

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They had the ball for a last shot but Start (former Chaundee Brown teammate) threw it away.

Bald Frank Martin really caught me off guard. My first thought was “I don’t remember Frank Martin leaving SC. Who is that new coach?”. It took me several minutes and a couple shots of Frank yelling to realize that wow, that’s Frank Martin !?!

Almost as wild as Shaka Smart having hair!


Unfortunately I believe it is due to his battle with COVID.

Ok kind of a general question here. How engaged has everyone found themselves in CBK this year compared to others? I actually feel like I’m watching more random games.

Yep, I read that he started to lose his hair after his COVID diagnosis so decided to go ahead and shave it. That’s the first I’ve heard of a COVID hair loss phenomenon.

I’m watching as much as always (a ton), but my attitude is so different from normal. I’m usually so excited about the game and my excitement builds as we get closer to March. But, between all of the COVID pauses and the extended Michigan pause, I’m watching with a constant uneasy feeling about how this season might end. My head says that there will be a national champ crowned this season, but my gut tells me to pump the brakes and prepare for disappointment. Seeing things like those UNC guys thumbing their noses at protocols doesn’t help.


Great game betwwen WVU and Tech. I actually really like both of these teams. Along with Baylor and Texas that is a really tough top of the conference.

I always loved Culver. I’m not surprised he is having this much success. I thought he was horribly underranked when he was coming out. Wish he had been a real target for us or that Coach B could have kept his hot hand going in Ohio.

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I like West Va as a sleeper Title contender. McBride is real good.

St. John’s-Butler going to OT after St. John’s turned the ball over with 8 seconds left up by 2

UVA/Louisville/UNC/Florida St all are going to make the tournament. I doubt they win all those games but that’s a lot of opportunities.

Two games against top 25 teams certainly wouldn’t seem to qualify as “a lot of opportunities” when the team in question is sub .500 and has a single top 50 win.

They were the 9th team out in the bracket matrix update that came out before their loss today to the 72nd ranked NET team and were ranked 70 themselves. I’d be hoping for way more than two matchups vs legitimately good teams if I were them.

3 wins would be against teams in the top 34 of NET. I don’t pay attention to top 25 mainly because the media and coaches don’t determine who makes the tournament. People have St Johns on the bubble or in the tourney and they’re a 64 on NET, Duke is 70. I doesn’t look good but their schedule has the opportunities.


Looks like plan to be available on Friday for all afternoon viewing and Monday cross your fingers that your team doesn’t get pulled into the early slots.

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I get excited just looking at that schedule. Please let this happen this year and not go flying off the rails at the last minute.


First round on a friday/saturday is so much better than thursday/friday from a work productivity side.