College Basketball Open Discussion

Over the years (say past 30), UCLA-AZ has been a good rivalry.

when was the last time a team with more losses than wins get a at-large bid?

probably never cause there was a rule against it, but there’s also never been a season played amidst a pandemic before

I’m pretty sure no team has been selected, at large, with a sub .500 overall record. Closest was Villanova in early 90’s with bearly a +.500 overall record that went on to NCAA championship game.

Yeah this year is different though. The nonconference slate is usually loaded up with games and easy wins to pad the final win column. This year with fewer noncon games, the padding isn’t there even if the conference resumes look the same. I will not be surprised to see a sub-.500 team make it this year.

PSU would be the team too… toughest schedule ever per KenPom.


I’m just trying to bring the IMPORTANT conversations here.


Duke and Notre Dame trying to make Iowa jealous.


Does Duke have any wins over tournament teams besides Clemson?

Duke already losing before 7 pm is just a great way to begin an evening. Let’s double down on MSU losing before 9:30 pm. Both should pretty much put a nail in their resumes’ coffins, sans a conference tournament run.


Duke has scored at least 75 in their last 3 games, 87 and 89 in the last two. They’re 0-3 with losses to Miami, Notre Dame and UNC. Holy ****


Happy to see Duke lose. I am not ready to put dirt on them yet because they still have a chance at some impressive wins but it’s getting late for them. Still believe teams and fans should get their shots in now because I don’t see them being down like this next year.

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Trust me, I’ll get as many shots in as reasonably allowable in this forum.


Losing this game is pretty much a nail in their coffin. Their best win is home against Clemson. They’re 3-7 against KenPom top 100 teams. And the ACC isn’t gonna give them enough opportunities for big wins


Not seeing many opportunities for impressive wins. The ACC just isn’t very good this season.

The black and blue looked so similar I thought you had done 4 factors for Michigan vs themselves.

Alabama only wins by 3 against a bad South Carolina team but Nate Oats played the end of the game absolutely perfectly.

South Carolina had the ball down 3 with 16 seconds left and misses a 3 but gets possession on a jump ball with 3.9 seconds left. A timeout is called and afterwards South Carolina has an inbounds under the bucket they’re trying to score on. Alabama leaves the entire paint unguarded and just posts 5 guys around the 3 point arc. SC inbounds the ball to a wide open player under the basket for an easy 2, but after that and the subsequent foul there’s 2 seconds left. Bama hits both FTs, SC can’t inbound the ball, and the game is over.

I’ve never seen a coach do what Oats did there but in that scenario I wish every coach would. Perfectly played.


Especially with no timeouts that was not smart by South Carolina

Yeah, that strikes me as awful awareness and coaching by South Carolina more than Alabama genius. :rofl:

Oh yeah that’s a major part of it. But I can’t ever recall a team posting up on the 3 point line defensively like that before. South Carolina played it horribly but Alabama clearly baited them into it.

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