College Basketball Open Discussion

Just looked at the article. There are 4 locks with one month of the season remaining (Gonzaga, Baylor, OSU and IL). Just seems like you can go a little bit more on a limb with your predictions getting this close to the end of the season

Baylor would be 17-10 if they lost every possible game remaining including postponed ones and the first round of a conference tournament.

Michigan would be 13-13 in the same scenario.

I don’t think it’s a personal attack and is literally just “will they make the tournament if they lose every single game.”

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Is a 13-14 (9-11 B1G) Illinois team, with 9 straight losses to end the season a mortal lock? Especially when among those season-ending losses would be: Nebraska X2, MSU, NW and a first round BTT exit. I mean, maybe? But I wouldn’t be feeling rosy if I was an IL fan. I’d think they would at least be on the bubble in that scenario if we are playing the doomsday game

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Yeah I guess it feels more due to the fact that Michigan has more games left to play and therefore more games to potentially lose. Pretty sure they’ll be ok though

I suppose the thing helping Illinois in that scenario is that they have a lot of Q1 wins. Flip side of that is that if Michigan loses every game they don’t really have a bad loss while Illinois has like 3 of them.

I realize this is all much ado about nothing. 99% (probably all) of the “should be in” teams will make the tournament. It’s just a funny standard when your article is literally playing a prediction game. Not really going out on a limb there when you wait until a week before the season is done to “lock in” more than a few teams

Is this the guy who used to do them for ESPN? Eamonn Brennan?

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Someone responded to my similar comment on the article and suggested that it’s because Michigan hasn’t played since the exercise began. Hard to move them to lock status when all they’ve done is sit in their dorm room. Win one and you’re moved up. I could buy that explanation.

I would say the article isn’t making any predictions. It’s purely just a summation of where things stand.

I mean, I don’t think Eamonn Brennan is on the committee, so does he really know who is in the “lock” category versus the “should be in” category versus “work to do” category? He doesn’t know where things stand. He’s predicting how the committee would view each team based on their resume.

If they work well as a predictive measure for most teams but really poorly for the occasional off-the-radar upstart, how do you work to assure that they’re not overlooked? I mean, maybe it works–Michigan, after being written off in the pre-season, is getting their due. . .

Came in this thread and thought I missed some sort of announcement… instead we are debating whether Michigan “should be in” or should be a “lock” in a Feb. 9th bracketology? :man_facepalming:

I think the difference between UM and OSU/ILL from a resume standpoint right now is that UM has 4 Q1 wins… Illinois has 7 and Ohio State has 9. I’d say they both have stronger resumes.


Haha yeah, I’m not really debating that Michigan should be in front of those teams for the “lock” category. Just moreso debating the semantics of the whole exercise where it is February 9th and there are only 4 teams that are comfortably in the tournament.

Hey now, it’s been two and a half weeks since anyone has watched a live Michigan basketball game – things are getting desperate!


This is very true. I had a huge post I was about to make about Mississippi Valley State yesterday, because they were last in AdjO and AdjD and that was incredible to me. But then I decided no one would care :rofl: Then they went out and won last night! Still last in AdjD and AdjO though!


One does not simply…

Oh never mind


Speaking of MVSU…their KP page says they’re coached by Lindsey Hunter, yes that Lindsey Hunter. As a huge mid-aughts Pistons fan (I’ve basically stopped paying attention to the NBA) I find this fascinating. Looks like his son plays for him, too.

Also, I totally would’ve read your post about their incredible ability to be dead last in both offense and defense.


Is that the son who played at U of D Jesuit?

The one and the same.

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He looks older than his dad.