College Basketball Open Discussion

4 top 20 picks probably. In conversation for best HS team ever.

Texas/OK State shaping up for a fantastic finish.

Also, I am feeling this PA’s playlist!

Everybody in the gym knew Cunningham was shooting a 3 there.

Headed to OT in Stillwater.

Why do networks keep experimenting with different camera angles?

I think this is an Ok St. specific problem. I’ve noticed it in previous games of theirs. I think the layout of IGA with regards to where cameras can be placed makes it so this weird angle is the best we can get.


The Avengers theme song…I :heart: IGA’s public address team!


Drone cam?

OK State with a chance for the walkoff win after this timeout.

Cunningham not exactly covering himself in glory in the last few minutes of this game.

I don’t know how to bet, but I’d take the over on 2OT. (Posted before Cade stole the IB pass)

Mark Emmert and the NCAA are a joke of an institution. There’s NO WAY that Ok State should be banned from the post-season, while Emmert’s former employer LSU are free to participate.


They’re not currently. OSU is appealing and as long as the NCAA doesn’t rule on it before the tournament, OSU is eligible.


Okay I hadn’t seen that, that’s good to know. Emmert is still a joke, for multiple reasons

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Man, if he had made that bucket after the steal, that would have been incredible! He had a rough game, but he still hit the dagger in 2OT.

To be fair, he was abut 1 for 6 on dagger opportunities.

Matthew Hurt’s facial hair is something.

Took me a while, but he’s Mr. Tumnus from “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.”

Duke game-winning three upcoming.

This is the game I’ve noticed no fans the most