College Basketball Open Discussion

Having been to Gate City 40 or so years ago, I marvel about it also. It’s not where you would expect to find NBA talent. You need to go there yourself so you can wax poetically about the small town that is Gate City. Looking at the map, if you’re coming in from the east, it looks like Daniel Boone Road might be a nice drive to take

They need to turn down the fake crowd noise on this OU/Texas broadcast.

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What will happen if 4 Texas players foul out given they only have 8 available?

I’m assuming they’d play 4 on 5 like that time Collin Sexton led his Alabama team on a 30-22 run for 10 minutes against Richard Pitino playing 3 on 5 :rofl::rofl:


ask Collin Sexton!


How this wasn’t a fireable offense still baffles me


Wow. I never saw this before. Didn’t even know that was possible. It makes me want such a situation again

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Sexton’s really good. I find it hard to root for the Cavs because it’s Cleveland and because they did Beilein dirty. But I have to admit they have something in Sexton.


Refs have completely ruined this Texas v. OU game. Did Terry Oglesby get cut by the BIG like Ted Valentine?

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Creighton with a major comeback at Seton Hall. Bluejays were once down 16 in the second half and now lead by three with 13 seconds left.

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Creighton wins, 85-81.

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Baylor eviscerating K State 41-7 at the under 8 timeout


Not sure what happened with those free throws, but I’m seeing hella points per possession :wink:

They don’t run it that much, but still funny to watch. The fact they run it so rarely might make it a not terrible option

If the goal is a heavily contested 2, then the tight flex is for you!


Now I feel claustrophobic. Need to go outside for a walk.


This just made me think of something: As an official, are there types of offenses/defenses that you find easier or more difficult to call? Or is that something you don’t really notice?

Maybe it’s a weird question or impossible to answer, but the thought just popped into my head when seeing that tight flex and how everyone is in one general location. At first I thought that might make a ref’s job easier since all six eyes are looking at one place, but on second glance seems like with the mass of humanity that it would be easy to miss a moving screen or a bump on a cutter.

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I remember Al Skinner running that against us for BC for a game at Crisler. We couldn’t stop it, lost the game. IIRC this was during the Amaker era.