College Basketball Open Discussion

In all seriousness, this is one of the worst halves of basketball I have ever seen. Arizona State’s five starters have combined for:

2-14 FG, 4 points, 3 rebounds, 0 assists and 3 turnovers over 16 minutes of play so far.

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Wow, just saw the score. 40-18 at half? JC 0/6 from the floor. Yikes.

ASU may go winless in the month of January. Also haven’t won a game since 12/13. Double yikes.

Ah, oh well. At least JC shocked the world.



Never stay this late to watch a Pac 10 game, oh, boy, Bill Walton is unbearable


Good at what?? He’s always been good in my mind. Very talented. I would have loved him to transfer to Michigan. He is fun to watch. His game needed to mature. He needed to learn what is a good play and what is not. High end athlete from what could see from my tv and computer screen. I did not see his game against West Virginia. Actually I haven’t watched a game of his all season; seen highlights, but yes, imo, he’s very “good”


Bobby Hurley with one of the worst coaching performances in 2020-21.

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Definitely been a bit better than I thought he’d be. Also did a good job picking a program/system that doesn’t really need a PG to pass.


At least he’s even-keeled and a good role model to his players.


Speaking of McClung, much like I wonder if Stephen Bardo gets royalties or something every time he yakks endlessly about Jacob Young’s family tree, does Fran Fraschilla get like coupons to all the local restaurants in McClung’s hometown of Gate City every time he mentions it on-air? Seems like Fran has been color for every TTU game I’ve watched and he just yammers on about Gate City this and Gate City that.


“Welcome to Men’s Basketball on BTN, sponsored by Austin Davis’s fishing trip.”


Steven Bardo gets endorsement from:

  1. Haircare product lines because of his endless gushing over players’ various hairstyles and which ones he’d look good in.
  2. Eyeglass companies for the endless droning on of “I see you, young fella.”
  3. YouTube for the amount of times he says "You young people need to go to youtube and look up Phi Slamma Jamma/Ralph Sampson/<insert player moniker or team nickname that harkens back to a more “basketbally” time>
  4. Various psychological firms for his saturating use of “In my opinion”.

Steven Bardo does NOT get endorsements from:

  1. Analytic specialists
  2. Fans who watch games with him calling them.

Some interesting games on tonight:

  • Will Miami OH finish the trifecta of Michigan’s MAC opponents or can Toledo prevail? (7:00 p.m.)
  • Can UNC start off a Pitt-Clemson-Duke road trip on the right…foot? (7:00 p.m.)
  • Does Texas defend home court against a plucky OU? (7:00 p.m.)
  • Can Bama beat UK in their first game as a top-10 team in 14 years? (7:00 p.m.)
  • Is it Drake (13-0) or Missouri State (9-1) in a showdown of surprising MVC teams? (8:00 p.m.)
  • Saint Louis hasn’t played in 34 days…how will they look against Dayton? (8:30 p.m.)
  • Can Missouri overcome the Sharife Cooper Experience at Auburn Arena? (9:00 p.m.)
  • Will GT send Duke to a not-seen-in-14-years fourth straight loss? (Please do) (9:00 p.m.)

Okay, so maybe not all of them are interesting but I’m trying to find something over here…


He also has a fetish for unusual shoes that players wear and will spend easily 5 minutes per game on that topic.

I like Bardo’s bland approach to the game more than the meatheads that just want to yell and hear themselves say something controversial. But give me someone that seems to be having fun and/or someone that actually explains the game and I’m happy.

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It’s been discussed a bit on this forum before, but Raftery is the measuring stick to me.

To your point, I agree on Bardo’s approach being preferable to Walton (shudder) or Dakich, for example. I don’t ever want the announcer to think himself better or more important than the game on the floor.

What’s interesting to me of late is that Gus Johnson is becoming grating to me and I used to love his enthusiasm and how he called a game. Now it’s almost as though he wants to “out-Gus Johnson” himself with each following game. I blame State Farm… for pretty much everything.


I’m in. If not, my wife will punch me in the nose for being so mopey the next two weeks.

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I don’t dislike Bardo because he’s bland. I dislike him because everything that comes out of his mouth is wrong


Color Guy Conclusion: it’s a low, low bar.


Has anyone ever seen Stephen Bardo and Rod Allen in the same room? :eyes:


If Bardo starts using “Country Strong”, I will tip my cap to you, sir.

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