College Basketball Open Discussion

That Toledo victory continues to age very nicely.


Bowling Green has also shot up from 164 when we played them to 103 currently.


Good call. They’re 9-2 and playing really good basketball.


To finish this discussion from earlier. I was convinced he was going to Miami

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I think the three MAC teams they played are the top 3 in the conference standings right now.


Ball State has slipped to 2-2 and is 5th, but BGSU and Toledo are both 5-0, tied at the top, and the only teams with more than 2 conference wins so far.

The new AP poll rankings are ridiculous!

They rank Duke 19 whereas Torvik ranks them 46, ESPN bracketology ranks them 32, Andy Katz ranks them 33.

(eye roll) Name recognition apparently. It took until this week to get MSU out of the polls and they’re still receiving plenty of votes.

Fascinating to me that Gonzaga has two top-10 guys in Torvik’s national POY metric (and a third at #43) and Baylor has #15 and nobody else, but they’re equally good teams. Probably because Gonzaga only has six guys playing 30+% of minutes and Baylor has nine.

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Baylor also has 6 guys who have shot 20 or more 3s, and every single one is a 40% shooter or better. Insane.


Baylor is also a top 5/3 defense while Gonzaga is top 25/20


We talked about this in terms of Kenpom, but NET is gonna be what matters in the end. Toledo and Bowling green are currently 63 and 71 in those rankings, respectively.

Butler is 152. Notre Dame is 156.


Me likey!!

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I think Baylor is clearly the #2 team in the country…but I will watch them closely as they actually play some tougher opponents. Gonzaga will be on cruise control and Michigan is about to enter the lion’s den of B10 opponents.

I think the Kenpom/Torvik split on Iowa is interesting. It’s entirely based on a defensive efficiency difference. Kenpom has them 3rd in the country (solidly ahead of Nova, even more solidly behind the two giants) with the 72nd ranked defense. Torvik has them 7th, behind Michigan, with the 110th ranked defense. I wonder what part of the algorithms would cause such a huge 40 spot difference. Is one more sensitive to bad competition? Is one baking in more preseason stuff? It’s just so drastic.


I just asked Bart, let’s see what he says


I hope the bag drop that got Romeo Weems to suddenly spurn MSU for DePaul was worth it because playing for that coach/program basically ensured that he wouldn’t get drafted. They’re actually keeping it somewhat close with UConn right now, but wow do they look poorly coached.


Florida is closing out a win at home over Ole Miss with 21 points, 10 boards and 7 blocks! Awesome for him.

Duke down 6 at VT with 1:30 left.

Kansas down double digits at the half to OK State.

Toledo beat EMU at home by 33, but BGSU is going to lose by 20 at home against Ball State.


At least we beat Ball State too.


As long as we can win the MAC by the transitive property in one way or another I’ll be happy

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