College Basketball Open Discussion

Yeah, as a bald man who shaves his head on a regular basis it confounds the heck out of me why someone would want to do that if they actually have a full head of hair!


I guess the head is always greener on the other side :man_shrugging:

I guess if a B10 team really separates from the pack and looks awesome it’s possible, but yeah right now it certainly looks hard to overtake those teams

If a B1G team goes 16-4 it’d be hard to deny them a 1 seed.

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TCU with a 60 foot buzzer beater to lead 28-27 at the half over Baylor!!

Baylor and Texas haven’t played yet - if either goes 3-0 in their match-ups it could knock the other off the top line.

I remember this happening recently between two instate rivals…

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So the NCAA is just gonna drag their feet on all this? What a useless organization.

You just gave every player a blanket waiver. Just get it done, it’s well past due.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen every defender go to one player like that with that much time on the clock. Pure panic mode.

The answer is very simple for me. Dickinson’s touch around the basket. He’s phenomenal. If he gets to his right shoulder it’s over. Doesn’t matter if he’s defended or not. Stats, IMO, don’t do justice to how elite his touch is. He rarely misses and it’s not a fluke. Dickinson touch around the basket, combined with his girth is virtually unparalleled. I thought Richard Pitino made an excellent observation, remarking how Dickinson’s ball seems to die on the rim. It really is incredible if you ask me. I can’t remember another 7’ who could do such things.

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Indeed. Murray has been very impressive to watch. Just as we say with Dickinson, he doesn’t look like a freshman out there.
He’s also one of so many college players who make me feel old because I remember watching their dads play at this level.

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Oklahoma with a 1 point lead over #6 Kansas with under 4 left. Jalen Wilson missed a dunk off the side of the rim in the 1st half - I bet Sanderson could’ve gotten him another half inch, just saying lol. But now he just hit a big 3 in crunch time, so good for him.

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Not true. He’s averaging less than 30 minutes a game. That’s not a lot for a team’s leading scorer. And none of what you said changes the fact that Iowa is better when he’s off the floor than on. Doesn’t matter if they’re not that good on defense overall. Having Garza out there makes them worse. Doesn’t matter if they’re really good on offense with him out there, they’re demonstrably better with him on the bench. As noted, you’ve used both of those statistical facts to argue your case, so it also doesn’t make sense to say now that those numbers don’t mean much.

Why are you being so combative in this thread, man? It’s a basketball forum. Michigan is good. MSU isn’t. 2020 is over. Let’s behave.

One of my favorite parts about this place is how chill everyone generally is. We can disagree respectfully here.

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I’m not exactly sure what you are arguing. I’m just trying to point out some stats that illustrate why Garza isn’t a particularly desirable pro.

On/off stats can add context sometimes but you have to look a lot closer at them to make some sort of leaping conclusion off of them. There’s not enough there to say that Garza should play less. That’s not the argument at all.

There is enough there though when you combine some of those numbers along with Iowa’s defensive ineptitude over the years that he’s been there to paint a picture of why he’s a very poor defensive player.

My hunch is he meant to reply to someone else.

No, he meant to reply to Dylan.

At the risk of personally identifying myself to a bunch of internet friends/strangers, I recently started a podcast with one of my MSU fan friends. We take a very fan-first approach but plan to interview people from all over the world of basketball.

We did an episode with Ken Pomeroy this week:

Also talked with Stu Douglass last week and heard a bunch of great Michigan stories:

We’re new to the podcast world so have mercy on us haha but any feedback positive or negative would be appreciated. We plan on having a lot more Michigan/MSU figures on again soon. Hope y’all like it!


Lmao just started listening and you called Rocket by his real name, Mark. Well done


Ha, I bet there are a lot of people (and probably some MSU fans) that don’t know Mark is his real name! :joy:

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