College Basketball 2023-24 Discussion

Wait how on earth did Michigan beat Marquette and Arkansas beat Purdue in the pre-season??? :rofl::rofl:

Zona has so much potential.

They can get sloppy but when they’re dialed in they’re scary.

Random portal target I like and want to plant my flag for: High Point’s Juslin Bodo Bodo.

Followed him a bit since Rutgers showed some interest as a high schooler and as a freshman he’s 1/2 in the Big South in OR/DR% for a team that’s 21-5. Raw for sure, especially offensively, but I’m pretty confident he’s going to end up as a good high-major rotation player by the end of his career.


23 posts were merged into an existing topic: 2024-25 Roster Discussion

Hunter Dickinson covid year to Michigan?? Kansas about to be 7-5 in conference.


Is Hunter getting blamed for like 90% of what’s wrong with Kansas?

Wow…Kansas lost by 29 points!!!

Can’t lie; watching Kansas being so mediocre with Hunter is kinda helping the wounds from Michigan’s season. The blowback from the KU fanbase has got to be unmerciful. Edit: And no, I don’t make a habit of enjoying college students get bombed with negativity, but Hunter was always about Hunter, so I hope he’s enjoying every bit of the spotlight.

Plus, standing rule of “Kansas can bite it.”

Hard to win on the road in the Big 12 without your best player.

But also hilarious that both Hunter Dickinson and Michigan got wrecked by Warren Washington again this year after what he did to them in Brooklyn last year.


Big cold shooting spell for Hunter recently. 3/25 from 3 dating back to early January

Hunter with a 102.3 ORtg in Tier A games. :face_with_monocle:

Maryland fansites realizing they might be able to tout “Hunter Dickinson coming home” for the second straight year.


it genuinely wouldn’t surprise me. Self has two rings and does not need HD, especially if he makes Kansas worse. Maryland/Willard is in free fall and could use some sloppy thirds

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Depends on a lot but I would imagine that Dickinson at least has to entertain portaling again this year.

Probably has the chance to make more money hooping next year than any other year of his career.

Kansas probably has the most money, but maybe someone would go crazy to pay Dickinson more than Kansas would next year?

I don’t think it is at all fair to say he “makes Kansas worse” but I’m just not sure what the roster strategy would be going into next year.

I’d put it at like 10% chance. Probably depends on how the year plays out.

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dang I just told @BigBoutros he was crazy and there was no chance

still doubt Maryland would be the place with the biggest bag if it came to that.

The strategy for Kansas is probably Furphy and Elmarko becoming dudes, then grab another Mccullar type and don’t whiff on your Timberlake. That should be a very good team

Adams is a dude. Wouldn’t want to move on from him at all.

Furphy, I would think, would go pro right?

Elmarko seems like an obvious transfer candidate based on how the year has gone.

Harris has his COVID year at least. Flory and some young guards coming in.

Interestingly, this is the worst offensive Self team since 2006, the team that lost to Bradley

Yeah I edited out my adams remark cause I realized that was dumb. Furphy I guess could go pro but idk where he stands on big boards right now. He could be one that moves up on those a lot late in the year.

I just don’t think the whole thing works because there’s too many low volume shooters playing together. Harris plus Adams plus Elmarko is really bad spacing around Hunter. So if Furphy sticks around you need either Elmarko or Harris to get way better at shooting or one of them to move on.

They’re just way too bad at offensive rebounding for being as poor of shooter they are. Not sure why Adams isn’t pulling more weight there

No idea what they would do with Bidunga. That made no sense

I mean, Self has had one team outside the KP top 20 at Kansas, and it was the 2021 team that finished 27th.

It is striking how much TTU played through Washington. DHO to the max. Even when he got hurt, McCasland would not take him out of the game; took a timeout to give him a quick blow then have him limp back out there. Just when I thought “just don’t guard him” he hits a 13 foot jumper. It was definitely TTU’s night.