College Basketball 2023-24 Discussion

The big thing with transfers is fit. And it takes two sides to see fit. And it probably means overlooking some things. And it isn’t always one guys fault if the fit is just OK because something else happened.

But there are a lot of transfers that go to the wrong school. And a lot of schools that recruit the wrong transfer.

As far as up transfers, it’s tough to have THREE up transfer starters and an Oregon State transfer (is that an up transfer?).


Nowell wasn’t great his first year. Maybe theres something to the idea of a second year giving them a chance to blow up. If Michigan had gotten another year out of Mike Smith or Davante they would have been quite good. Nowell got his second year and was much better

If Dalton Knecht can come from the Big Sky, someone can come from the Ivy

The key is finding high major guys being held back by their situation. Examples: Chaundee, Nkamhoua, Burnett

Or Uptransfers that need better teammates. Examples: Knecht, Mike Smith


Definitely that’s a great point and a huge part I forgot to mention. So many examples of guys who looked absolutely terrified/confused in Year 1 turning into monsters in Year 2. Tyson Walker being one. Pickett wasn’t nearly as bad at first but he went from fine to superstar.

Jones absolutely would have been similar for Mich I think.


Mike Smith is the only good player in the history of the Ivy League (I’m being 100% sincere don’t you dare give me a single exception)


Jeremy Lin!!!

Oh yeah Pickett is a great example. Uptransfer grads will be limited ceiling usually, I think. They’d need to have a very defined role on a good team, can’t count on them to elevate your team


Bill Bradley!

LSU blew a 15 point lead with 9 minutes left to lose by 3 to Dayton. Dayton plays SJU tomorrow at 2 PM

Didn’t take long to confirm that signing Jose Perez in November is the ultimate act of desperation.

Holy cow they suck. Didn’t they just sign Hurley to an extension!

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I love Nick Honor so much

The absolute best is when I see a guy who looks like the full grown adult who showed up to open gyms to absolutely bust our a**

How different do you think Josh Christopher’s career-path would be if he’d come to A2?

How different do you think Juwan Howard’s career path would be if Josh Christopher had come to A2?

Kid was not a winning player. It was a bullet dodged.


Coming into this game he was shooting 9% from the field. NINE! :joy:

3-of-3 tonight, though!

And yet they’re still losing by 10 :sweat_smile:

Man, imagine where they would be if Frankie hadn’t decided to come back to school and turn down the NBA suitors.


I wanna rag on ASU for needing a massive comeback to pull this off, but apparently UMass Lowell is a top 100 Torvik team and top 125 KP team? So not great but not awful either

Didn’t realize he was still there! His brand didnt make it, eh? What a surprise. Lol

Christopher is in his third season in the NBA. Dylan’s referring to Perez there