College Basketball 2023-24 Discussion

Oh so he’s basically a basketball savant version of John Stockton with more upside?

Yes he was/is coaching AAU.

John Stockton >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Road kill >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Doug Gottlieb


Probably some of the same thinking that got us Dave Brandon. To use an mgoblog phrase, “people in charge of things are just in charge of them for no reason.”

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he can’t keep his radio show. I don’t believe that. that’s not possible


I agree, there’s no way that’s actually happening

JJ Reddick boutta be doing halftime podcasts as Lakers HC so I believe it

He’s been the “full of himself on the TV set analyst” for 20 years. He’s always annoyed me and I’ve never thought of him as particularly good on any of his TV gigs. Why an actual D1 program would hire him out of the blue is beyond me. Maybe he’s actually a good AAU coach or wants to build an AAU pipeline…but I doubt it. Feels like a publicity stunt…

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he’s never done that either

As part of the terms of his employment, Gottlieb will continue to host his nationally syndicated daily radio show for Fox Sports Radio, a source told CBS Sports. It’s an unprecedented arrangement: Gottlieb will be a Division I coach and a member of the media simultaneously.

So is this in the actual contract? Who changes their mind about this arrangement first? Gottlieb or GB?

If UWGB leadership has any brains (it’s clear they don’t) or testicular fortitude (they probably also don’t), they will.

When UWGB likely stinks, hopefully Gottlieb will have to answer to it on a daily basis on his hack radio show.

I simply don’t believe that will happen. it might be written down as of today but it just ain’t happening

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it’s two completely different jobs. it doesn’t make sense.

his show is daily. it’s not monthly. it’s not an occasional podcast guest appearance. he is a W2 employee for Fox Sports. even if it’s a supremely light workload on the radio side, on the D1 head basketball coach side it’s not. the math ain’t mathin.

you can’t be the new CEO of Domino’s and also a full-time lifeguard. it’s two different things


If it’s being reported this heavily, I think it’s pretty clear it’s happening. Could be wrong, but I don’t think there’d be this much media emphasis once the deal has been made unless they knew this was in there.

This just feels like UWGB emphasizing media attention more than winning. There’s no way Gottlieb will do well as a coach and media member (he can’t even do well as a media member without being a coach, and I doubt there’s any circumstances where he’d be a good coach either). But now UWGB gets the free pub of literally employing a FOX talking head, so their name will be all over Gottlieb’s show and FOX in general, especially compared to other league mates.

And then Gottlieb either miraculously does a good job as a coach while also controlling his own media narrative and documenting his unprecedented success. Or he flames out but who cares, he can blame UWGB for being a bad job and his workload being too large. And he can still fall back on having an entirely unique resume and set of experiences as a journalist

what does UWGB get out of that? hey remember when we hired a joke but our name was on the radio?

Who is UWGB’s AD? Gottlieb’s mom?

Dude can’t even put on his shorts correctly.


A lot more people will know about UWGB now than prior. The average person probably doesn’t know they even exist, but they will with Gottlieb talking about them every day. Plus I assume UWGB will have a lot more air time on Fox than previously.

And if they’re bad, 99% of people won’t remember in a couple years. How many people remember Isaiah Thomas at FIU?

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Trading speculative upside for the obvious concrete downside that comes with making a terrible hire is not a good trade.

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its a 3 hour daily radio show that comes on at the same time every day. Like I can’t imagine a worse second job for a college basketball coach

he has a wife and kids! is he planning on ever speaking to them? I’m sure he’s not planning on moving them to Green Bay Wisconsin. So now he’s not even gonna be around campus in the offseason. It’s like hiring Phil Martelli as your HC but worse in every way


Sounds like a win for them!