College Basketball 2023-24 Discussion
Jon…. There is no shot that Cliff is an All American. He didn’t even make All Big Ten last year.

It’s amazing how so many players magically become better as soon as they hit the portal.


Sounds like something Andy Katz would say if Omoruyi stayed at Rutgers


Wonder who UCLA is gonna process to get him :thinking:

Maybe we can snag them!

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Do the UNc fans that thought wolf wasn’t good enough feel the same way now?

Wolf was a steal for how much we paid


How much did we pay?
It’ll be nice when/if there’s transparency in portal. Hold some people accountable.

What do you mean by this?

Basically, I think what I want to see, is the players get paid, like the coaches, like the administrators, and it’s all open and transparent.

I guess I don’t understand these billion dollar TV contracts, and having a convoluted way of getting the money to the athletes


Is Jalen Washington going to play 25 minutes? Who’s the backup? Withers?

Agree. Rev share is just around the corner which will help with transparency to an extent. But there will always be a bag


I don’t think that’s necessarily true. A real CBA and enforcement would almost certainly outlaw bags. And it’s a best outcome bc transparency makes it way easier to see your $$ is getting spent on players and not on handlers or whatever.

when bags are outlawed, only outlaws will drop bags


Strongly agree that the bag will survive revenue share. Two scenarios:

  1. Within team revenue share: Coaches will want to distribute $X per game player but some guys are worth more than others and will want what they are worth. Who fills that gap? Bag.

  2. Across team revenue share: ADs value Olympic sports for various reasons in ways that TV execs do not. AD overpays women’s soccer players or men’s lacrosse. By implication, the PG is underpaid. Who fills the gap? Again bag.

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Will be interesting to see how contractual obligations change that though. If enforceable, those contracts could somehow hamper the bag.

Right we talk about the bag like it’s inevitable and then watch any other American pro sport without ever discussing something called a bag.

I’m assuming bag survival because the revshare-era salaries will be ~40k.

i do think the formation of those leagues is a lot different than this one, not to mention the scale and the appetite for central control, and for that reason I’m less sure of there being a really strong enforcement mechanism

Right, it’s entirely down to the parties deciding to do it. It’s not impossible.

I think as important as revenue sharing and NIL is figuring out how to structure and enforce multi year agreements. Players need a reason to stay and coaches need a reason to invest in them. And schools need a reason to try and get them a degree. Constant transfers isn’t helping anyone IMO.

I think the one free transfer rule helped this…until it got sued out of existence.


I think it is highly likely that NIL survives as “the bag” for college sports. The local auto dealer in Lawrence Kansas is probably quite willing to spend money on basketball players for Kansas. And since it is not illegal or against the rules, what’s going to stop it?

The only way “the bag” becomes irrelevant is if the money the players receive as “salary” or “revenue sharing” or whatever is so gargantuan that it dwarfs the NIL money. But when NIL is already reaching 7 figures at times, those salary numbers are going to have to be pretty high.

Will be interesting to see what revenue sharing with players looks like. Is every scholarship player in the Big Ten going to get an identical paycheck? Will there be some sort of salary cap that coaches can spend how they see fit? How long will the contracts be for?

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I guess a point of clarification then: I’m using “bag” here to mean, specifically, illicit $$ on the side that is in some way not covered by a hypothetical CBA. “Bag” in the original sense of “here is some cash in an actual duffel bag, you didn’t get it from me, what cash, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

I am sure this persists in the current CBB environment and I would wager it matters a lot more to who plays where than in any major US pro league by a lot.