College Basketball 2023-24 Discussion

Kentucky forums acting like the world is ending right now

Craig Smith? idk if he be Mormon tho

would you have been happy if we’d hired mark pope

  • yes
  • no
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edit: do NOT scroll down and read Dylan’s take before voting!!!

Would BYU hire a coach who isn’t Mormon?

My only red flag with Pope is that Quinn swears he’s amazing. You can’t ever trust a full-fledged Quinn endorsement.

OTOH, Jordan Sperber, Jordan Majewski and Jim Root are all fighting the good fight that this is a good hire so I can buy that.

I also think that Pope at UK, where the school recruits itself, is better than Pope at Michigan for a lot of reasons.


I stand by this – I think Pope is a really good coach and I think he’ll succeed by at least one measurement

However, I totally acknowledge that this is a seismic shift in the ecosystem of HM CBB recruiting


I would not have been thrilled if he had been hired at Michigan. Largely because I think the BYU job is so unique that it is really hard to know how that translates to a different place.

That said, this is the aspect of him at Kentucky that I can kind of come around on. Kentucky should be able to get players regardless, so if he can coach it doesn’t matter as much that he doesn’t have experience recruiting and coaching players outside of the Mormon footprint.

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Page 8, under nonoperating revenues
Gifts 2014: 17.9m, 2013: 19.2m, 2012: 15.5m

You can find Michigan’s (and any other schools) number here!quicktabs-tab-where_the_money-1

I was very against Pope at UM. Would have been like my 7th choice

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Pope is better than Kyle Smith and Tony Bennett at least

I’m gonna argue with myself for a minute here

if Pope to Kentucky is the “mama called” hire, and he would say yes at any time, why do you have to hire him today?

you’re not gonna call Pearl or Otz or Underpants or anyone else first?

also, this isn’t Pope taking over after Cal’s retirement. Cal had very publicly ugly exit. He took another job in the conference! Cal was run out of town for tournament failures so you hire the guy who just lost R1 to Duquesne? a guy with 0 NCAAT wins?




ohhh my sweet Jesus

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Yeah it felt like Mitch panicked after Hurley and Drew said no. Feels like he could have explored a few other coaches first


yeah as a hire for UK i both think Pope could work and find the fact that they skipped all the other obvious asks to get to Pope to be…interesting. Underwood would demolish some fools at UK.


Yep Underwood would have been my next call after Drew said no

Kentucky fans aren’t handling it well. They look at NCAA tourney record and only focused on the big names. Their preferred candidate is Hurley and he wasn’t ever going to leave the east coast for a southern school.

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Kentucky fans looking for who made their program go to shambles:



I think the reason you do this now is given what has happened at Louisville and UCLA with Cronin. The more you publicly kick tires of the next tier candidates, the more embarrassing it gets and even if the guy you hire is “coming home” its just an embarrassing situation all around. Basically, just take your big swings and then get the process over with.

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