College Basketball 2023-24 Discussion

dylan do you think you’d shut down umhoops right away if you won the lottery, or would you lie to yourself and tell yourself you’d keep it going, only to shutter it a few months later?

or do you have such an indomitable poster’s spirit that you’d keep it going?


I feel so seen :rofl: I’d clearly just use my lottery winnings to strongarm my way into complete control of a college basketball team and buy all of my favorite portal players and see what happens.


I think he would win the lottery then take all the membership money, shut the site down and keep all the money.

genuinely the hosts of my favorite baseball podcast did this in 2015 - they took over a very low level independent league baseball team and tried out using a bunch of cutting-edge sabermetrics and stuff to figure out which players to acquire and which strategies to use and then wrote a book about the experience of, like, explaining to college ballplayers why they should let the podcast hosts try out a five-man outfield

obviously the main difference between you and them is they had an active podcast! (said with love not with criticism, please understand.) on the other hand one of them had to leave shortly after because his writing job at a big sports coverage site got too busy, so :handshake: :handshake: :handshake:


Which team? Not Michigan?

There’s something really funny to me about people watching four years of AJ Hoggard and referring to him as a “great guard”

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Might be too much pressure :rofl: I’m thinking some tiny school on the West coast where I can live on the ocean and it is sunny every day.

The “I think I’m really smart and I’m also rich” play lately seems to be buying soccer teams in Europe and doing something similar.


Dylan vs. Ryan Reynolds and the IASIP gang

You’re overthinking this. The correct answer is Chaminade. Just gotta succeed enough to get the D1 bump.

Pepperdine is a sleeping giant


Dylan if you win the lottery and buy Pepperdine athletics you have to make me your EVP


I’m confused .

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I face the same dilemma every time I get an assignment…


Xavier Simpson WAS in this era

“era” specifically meaning “with immediate eligibility for transfers,” right?

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Maybe I should have read all of his post!

The Dylan Burkhardt & Coleman Hawkins Family Men’s Basketball Head Coach has a nice ring to it.


Flip has made an amazing recovery.


ESPN’s bottom line on Monday night told me that Filipowski had to take the super serious step of – gasp – icing his knee!!


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It was a knee injury, then an ankle injury. Never had tests done either. Isn’t it risky for him to return???