College Basketball 2022-23 Discussion

Well USC and UCLA have surf teams. Maybe Nebraska and Iowa can get surf teams.


Finally a use for all that Great Plains oceanside property I bought!

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OU & UW accepted partial shares and FOX ponied up to keep Apple out. Thatā€™s what changed year over year from what Iā€™ve read.

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Same here.

No other reason I would have the Washington v Stanford game on at midnight Saturday.


Will the B1G now become the conference of champions?

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I read an interesting comment to highlight the lunacy of this expansion. Letā€™s say this does drive some parity and balance to the conference and that there are legit chances for most of the teams to win. Obviously that isnā€™t true exactly, but letā€™s say it is. If every team won a conference title it would be 18 years between your next title. Thatā€™s an entire generation who wouldnā€™t experience it.

Even if you account for realism with basketball, there are probably 10-12 teams that have a shot so you could see good programs go a decade without winning. So the regular season has traded a few good matchups for a meaningless conference title. It also means that the fringe programs like NW or Rutgers have even less of a chance now that they have more competition from schools like UCLA or USC. And there will no doubt be one power program that goes in the wrong direction because of this. If you look at teams that have jumped into better conferences it rarely benefits them on the court/field.

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I was listening to the Split Zone Duo podcast and one of them said ā€œcromulent.ā€


itā€™s been in the water in the CFB blogosphere for a long, long time bc that whole set looooves the Simpsons. iā€™d guess there are plenty of MGo posts that use it.

On-line classes FTW!

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Welcome, Bill Walton!

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That is true. I guess Hield only played first half (but played almost all of it and KU won the half) alongside guys like AJ Storr and Tum Tum.

Aaaand Hewhoshallnotbenamed was awesome

Back to that D2 kidā€™s grainy highlight reel

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For basketball there are shared titles, though, so you could have, say, 15-20 champions in a decade.

Football may want to go back to that, too. The tiebreakers for the BTCG are going to be messy.

Need to add Hawaii and Alaska Fairbanks. UAF can start up a football program and be the ā€œexpansion franchiseā€. Might as well get as stupid as humanly possible.

How is the ā€œchampionā€ of an 18-20 team league going to be determined anyway?

An arcane and questionably valuable tie breaker method

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Donā€™t care as long as it pisses off Illinois fans.

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