College Basketball 2022-23 Discussion

Twitter promoted an ad stating that 42% of men suffer from ED under this post which seems to be appropriate

The wrinkle situation on the shorts is really something too


Bet you can smell that hat from another room


The shorts absolutely smell like mildew

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Parody account but I donā€™t disagree with the tweet.


Plus he forgot to X out the M. All that work screening on those letters ā€¦ ruined.

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Richie is the Rutgers rivals writer.

Paul gonna do the Jose Perez thing where he gets a large NIL offer then decides he can ask for more than that from a bunch of other programs and end up back at his old program because everyoneā€™s like lol dude youā€™re Jose Perez?

Rutgers said no to him on returning

All apart of Howardā€™s plan to get him for free.

Chess, not checkers.

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the turn around Kentucky had in just a month in a half is unreal.

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I think national media overblew this. In my opinion Kentucky was always gonna be good, but retaining Reeves, adding Mitchell, and now adding the 7ā€™2 unicorn from overseas will make Kentucky a natty contender imo if they can get Bradshaw and Ugo healthy and stay healthy. But yeah elite off-season for them.

is this guy for UK really someone that will make a difference this season? iā€™d never heard of him so I donā€™t know

iā€™ll sell on UK overall. The Wagner/Reaves/Dillingham/Edwards combo has big time volatility. Plus add in mitchell who is his own potential headache, and Iā€™m not a big Aaron Bradshaw fan.

If Reeves and Mitchell can be steadying forces theyā€™ll be good though

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Kentucky hasnā€™t had a guy like Wagner in quite some time. Probably since Shai.

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Yep, they thrive off of tough lead guards like that

Yeah, the Kentucky is doomed thing was based on a guy who didnā€™t actually ever enter the portal and the fact that UK had the No. 1 recruiting class in the country :rofl:

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Heā€™s 20 and played 10 mpg in the Adriatic league, so Iā€™m going to say heā€™s probably a perfectly cromulent 3rd big for college hoops but not a top line difference maker. The sort of guy weā€™d be saying ā€œoh he can help behind Tarris this yearā€ about


is cromulent the official word of UMHoops? I find myself using it regularly in my day to day now


I think weā€™re all part of the Colin-borg


His highlight reel looks nice. He is skilled, moves well and has a good handle for a 7 footer. That said, itā€™s a highlight reel

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