College Basketball 2022-23 Discussion

So Trey mckenney is Trey cause he’s the 3rd? Wild


Hiring someone connected who knows talent and how to find it is different than hiring someone related to someone talented.

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I’ve been without power for 24+ hours so I’m literally thinking of hot takes… while hot…

All that to say Michigan over preforms next season and snags a 6-Seed and makes a Sweet 16. Darius and Trey decide to commit to Juwan as he continues to pump guys into the NBA and they want to stay home and go on a run in the tourney.

And the power just came back on… it’s a sign :part_alternation_mark:


Not sure why having two open scholarships is seen as a failing on Juwan’s part. Most teams only rotate through 8 players anyway, maybe 9.


It’s a failure when you consider the team has dramatic holes that still need to be filled, and that Juwan is still actively working to address.


And if you feel that part of your programs success and stability is built off of development of younger guys.

Let’s look at using one of the scholarships on a backup center. Is that guy really going to influence many games? Not really, he’s probably the 10th guy and plays 5-7 minutes. But what if Tarris gets hurt?

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If Michigans and it’s not cause we have 11 players


The problem is not “11 players” it’s the positional allocation of the 11 players (1 center, the only 3 on the roster has basically never played and may not be any good)

But these are issues Howard is very obviously aware of and in the case of the 3 has attempted to remedy in a number of ways

It’s a results business, and if we don’t fill those slots and it hurts us in-season he’ll receive and deserves responsibility

But he’s not just blithely bumping along like it’s all hunky-dory either


Do your assistant coaches have to be your recruiters? Does the NCAA allow having someone like say Chris Hunter recruit in place of a Howard Eisley?

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I think it’s a bit of hyperbole to say their are “dramatic holes” on this team. I think we are solid at PG, PF and C. And I am good with Burnett at SG. That leaves one wing player and I am confident that among the 5 other forwards on the team we will get competent play at that position. Backup center is a bit of a hole in the roster (Papa was expected to play this role) but ON can step in as backup C.

If a forward/wing or backup center shows up in the portal, great, grab them. I don’t think you are going to find better players than what we have at this point.

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I agree that backup center is a position of need. I just don’t think you are going find a competent center in the portal who is willing to transfer to Michigan only to play 5-7 minutes in a backup role

It is not ideal or easy to find an Austin Davis type to be just a backup center. I would say between Nkoumwha/Will T…shoot even TWill and Jackson could play the 5 in a pinch…we can get the position covered.

It’s position but also role. I think there’s plenty of evidence (pursuit of Love, Perez, Reeves, Dennis, etc.) to suggest that Juwan thinks this team could really use one more scoring wing type player. Whether that’s “dramatic” or “large” or just a “readily apparent to most anyone including Juwan” type hole is beside the point. It just indicates to me we’re not using our scholarship allotment appropriately and it’s completely fair to criticize.


Little Michigan basketball precedent for that kind of thing


Can Juwan do this?

This isn’t new. They’ve basically been committed for months.

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Look at the curve on this guys hat


I really don’t think Nike made that shirt.


I didn’t even notice the clearly fake swoosh :sob:


Quite aggressive indeed but better than a straight bill