College Basketball 2022-23 Discussion

Very amused at Trilly taking web optimization tips from Ant.


Interesting story:


Interesting. I donā€™t exactly think Powell was on a fast track to being a lottery pick, injuries or not.

Does make the seemingly out of nowhere Willard to Maryland jump a bit curious.

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Memphis is going to be good. Penny doing what i wish Howard would doā€¦

Rolling into august with 11 scholarship players. YAYA :slight_smile:

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Quite the offseason journey for Walton. Bama commit, arrested, UCF commit, to Memphis. :rofl:

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You wish he had a multiple players that were arrested this offseason?

Please stop with any comparison to Penny who hired one of the biggest bag dropping guys out there as an assistant and has had 0 qualms with grabbing anyone from the portal regardless of background check. Just silly.

Having 11 scholarship players is not the issue with this team.


Was more talking in the terms of his late summer additions in JQ and Brown.

Which were very connected to what I just mentioned, specifically Stansbury

With Penny and Stansbury and generally lax rules from admissions and background checks, Memphis will be very talented from now on

But ultimately the only reason theyā€™ll be good is their 27 year old

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true, very true. Is he for sure back?

They gotta be at full scholarships right?


Honestly, I like their team. They low key have a nice roster. Mintz-Starling could end up being very good. They added McLeod in the middle (not bad if theyre staying zone), Chance, Bell, Benny.

Not bad.

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Iā€™m having a hard time separating my disdain for Jim Boeheim and Syracuse itself (not surprising since he basically is Syracuse hoops). Itā€™ll probably take a few years before I can watch one of their games and not pull hard for their opponent or check a box score and not gleefully laugh when they lose.


Big move.

My hot take is we have to start doing this type of stuff to be relevant on the trail. Phil Martelli as your ace recruiter is weeeeeak

Dunno if this is Juwans fault or a budget thing but I do think itā€™s cheap

Juwan can be a very good individual recruiter but our staff is so far behind one like TTUā€™s


Itā€™s telling that there have been no staff changes to date. I donā€™t know what itā€™s telling usā€¦ But itā€™s telling.


Iā€™m glad someone here shares my antipathy for Jim Boeheim.

A huge part of that equation is that Michigan just isnā€™t the talent pool that it was. You can hire a guy who has his finger on everything in Texas because if you get the right three guys from Texas every year you will be great.


So we need a dude connected to Texas?


Well, it helps that Texas Tech is in Texas :wink:


Darius Acuff Sr. and John McKenney Jr. seem like theyā€™re qualified to split the role for a couple of years