College Basketball 2022-23 Discussion

Yuri Collins lite?

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I believe heā€™s a better defender. (Crazy steal rates, at least).

Looks like he tore his ACL, MCL and meniscus in March. Wonder if someone takes him as a RS this year.

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My 40-year old knees just started crying upon reading that


Catching up hereā€¦replying to the HD attention.

I donā€™t think this board is going to care about whatever Hunter says when it is about Kansas. But when heā€™s trashing Michigan, even in a sound byte, we are going to care. Especially when we are in the slowest part of the calendar year for sports content. It isnā€™t that we continue to care about HD, it is that we care about him bad mouthing Michigan.

As for my example quote that he could have said, I disagree that ā€œno one says that.ā€. Mature professionals talk like that. Hence the old Bull Durham scene when he teaches how to talk to the media without putting your foot in your mouth. Granted, those quotes donā€™t get attention, but someone more mature than Hunter would say them.

Finally, I do agree with Dylan that the team is likely to be more fun to root for even if they are less talented. Athletic, defensive minded teams with a bunch of guys working their tails off are easy to cheer on. I know this isnā€™t a proven statistical thing, but I think there is some Ewing theory potential with this team. The entire program was built around Hunter for better and worse. No one can replace what he can do and thatā€™s scary, but there may be a lot of other things we can unlock and the entire team might be more engaged and connected without him here. We will seeā€¦


But we can add what he canā€™t do: defend, rim protect, pass, rebound, support teammates, run, initiate fast break ā€¦


Absolutely the case. I would go a step further and say even immature professionals know to limit media interaction to just expelling some glass half full blather, Hunter included. Weā€™ve seen that he knows how to shut up when it benefits him. He could at least return the favor to his former coaching staff. Thereā€™s plenty of people out there about whom he can make the noises he likes to make, and if youā€™re Hunter Dickinson you donā€™t need to sit there passively waiting for somebody to ask the question you want to answer.

Ugh ā€¦ the classic spring break ski trip gone terribly wrong. Hoping for the best for him. Should be able to ski Copper Mountain before end of season, but Iā€™d advise saving Jackson for the 24-25 season.

I get some 2010-11 vibes with this offseason. Then, we had lost Manny and Sims, and no one knew how we were going to score and if the program was going off the rails. The first half of that season was rocky, but the payoff was pretty cool.


This seems to be a Juwan trait also

Wouldā€™ve thought a better list. Guess that injury is serious

A torn ACL, MCL, and Meniscus 4 months ago makes any play this year pretty sketchy in my opinion

I assume thatā€™s the hold up


Yeah canā€™t really count on him to play first semester. And then heā€™s gotta get ramped up in practiceā€¦ tough situation. Iā€™d pitch him on a redshirt personally but maybe thatā€™s not what heā€™s wanting


Huggins wants his bag.

This is a classic situation well addressed previously.


Wonder what the contract says. Seems like WVU could turn around and say ā€œOK if you donā€™t want to go away amicably, youā€™re fired for cause then.ā€ Huggins certainly has done more than his share to put a stain on the university in recent months, including committing a crime and endangering peopleā€™s lives and dropping a homophobic slur on the radio. If thatā€™s not cause, I donā€™t know what is.


Yes 100%. Wvu put out their statement. Seems like Huggins got new counsel, likely cause his old one thought he was insane for this

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I thought you guys might find this humerous

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