College Basketball 2022-23 Discussion

Well, he’s still part of college basketball at-large so I imagine he will still dot this thread (and next season’s) with frequency.

Or maybe we need to just create a Hunter Dickinson 2023-2024 Discussion thread.

I’m just kidding, I wouldn’t do that to you, Dylan.

Time, Dylan - we need time. We are the proverbial scorned ex-boyfriend left at the altar. We must process our feelings of inadequacy and rage through sh*tposting. Only then we can have fun again.


It just feels like people are fine to stick with the annoying crappy side of Hunter Dickinson without the pay off of the actual fun basketball part. Rather than just eliminating that from their diets.


This will be something really interesting to watch at the lower levels this year.

Schools like YSU shelling out big NIL money in the portal… Does it pay off?

The thing about splashing huge NIL money at a lower level, is the whole damn thing comes down to a conference tournament anyway.


If they have a donor who’s willing, I see no reason why the wouldn’t keep it up year over year. Probably like a million total?

The issue might be said donor becomes the defacto owner and could effectively fire the coach if he wants


Yeah, don’t think YSU has ever had a hard time getting money to players in the past either.

I just wonder how much is having the budget to buy transfers compared to buying the right transfers.

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Uhh really? Well they’ve done a really poor job of getting the right players then cause last year was the first time they’ve been good this century

Mostly referring to football back in the Jim Tressel days. Just don’t think culturally it would be hard to find the dealerships and booster types to chip in in that way.

Basketball at this level is something new and different.


Wasn’t he the president of YSU for like 10 years after leaving OSU? That’s some university they’ve got down there in Youngstown.

Is this the start of more names entering?


Yes. Probably


Murdix is extremely good but not a Mich fit imo. He made 12 3s last year.


He’s from Illinois. Might make sense on Illinois

i think illinois is set on Ty Rodgers

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Yeah. It would also renege on the public Ty Rodgers PG assertions. Which is on brand for Underpants


Gotta be a priority for Illinois IMO. They desperately need a PG.

Mac Irvin Fire kid, I believe.

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Excited for Murdix to heroically drag Illinois to an 8-seed only for Rodgers and Harris to call him an evil and wicked person


Won’t even be fully healthy til December? Hmm


Perfect timing for the Ty Rodgers experience to fail, fans turn on him, and Ty transfer mid season

Good thing for Illinois there isn’t a precedent of them running off PGs that don’t work out

Elite PNR guy, passer, finsiher. Just only took 16 catch and shoot jumpers last year.