Bracketology Open Thread

That IU win propels us past all of those teams IMO

My point is that all of our losses (except S.m.u and o.s.u) would be to teams in the tournament if UConn gets in. smu is ineligible and O.s.u is a bubble team. Insofar as losses can be impressive those are great losses.

Lunardi wouldn’t even say that a win tomorrow against Purdue would guarantee us a tourney bid. That’s just ridiculous.

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He has to be messing with us at this point

I’m starting to think lunardi just wants as many mid majors as possible. Granted there are some good teams out there, but put them in the big ten and they’d look like Minnesota, greatly overmatched most nights on the court

He’s busy making out with the whole Monmouth team

I took a look at every team in the rpi top 25.

Twenty of those top 25 teams have at least one loss worse than our worse loss (o.s.u.) rpi 73. Of the 5 teams that did better than us at avoiding bad losses in terms of rpi only 2 teams had 3 or more wins against top 25 rpi teams. Those two teams, who like Michigan have three or more top 25 rpi wins, and who also have no losses worse than our worst loss at Ohio State are projected number 1 seed North Carolina and projected number 1 seed West Virginia.

Michigan’s top 25rpi wins are:13 Maryland, 16 Purdue, 19 Indiana

North Carolina’s top 25rpi wins are: 13 Maryland, 7 Miami, 20 Duke

West Virginia’s top 25rpi wins are: 1 Kansas, 22 Iowa State (twice), 24 Baylor (twice)

We don’t just deserve to be in the tournament we need to start arguing for a number 1 seed!!!

We’re in…no way you can leave us out with a 10-8 conf record, 4 top 25 wins, with 1 on a neutral court and the other a quasi road game

There is no way he seriously said that - are you guys for real that he stated that?

I believe that Lunardi would say that. He wants every mid major in and would do anything and make any argument for them. The guy is a dope

The problem is that every person who thinks we shouldn’t be in the tournament points to the 4-11 record versus top 100, without acknowledging that all 4 wins were top 25… It’s not like they beat 4 teams ranked in the 90s. It’s a classic case of playing with the numbers to fit a narrative. I don’t know why top 100 record became a big thing either. It used to be top 50 record, which is a much better measurement for a tournament team

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I honestly think the committee, when it comes down to the last few teams, should measure how the last remaining contenders performed against the actual field to decide who the last few teams will be.

He did. At half of the UNC-ND game. The host (Rece Davis?) asked him about Michigan, and Lunardi said they had 11 losses, so they were still not in. Then the host asked if they’d be in if they beat Purdue. He hemmed and hawed for a second and then commented that nothing happens in a vacuum. It would still be dependent on other teams, but they’d be in better shape.

Makes our JB debates seem brilliant…that has to be one of the most ignorant statements I’ve ever heard from a so called expert


He also seems to be the only bracketologist (if we should call him that) that still believes Michigan is out. Majority say they are in due to today’s win.

I just can’t see any scenario where we don’t make it. I mean, our most recent victory is against a top 25 team in a functional road game. 21 wins, 10 in conference play…all the Ts are crossed IMO

This lunardi guy is starting to piss me off. It’s like he’s making us climb a mountain to get In but is just putting these kid major teams in, with blatantly obvious weaker resume. If we somehow don’t get in, the so called reality of getting the best teams in is not real life. Makes zero sense how we aren’t in. None at all and lunardi, along with his lisp, can suck one.

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Jerry Palm just said Michigan is in the tournament.


It can be tough comparing power conference teams against mid majors, but I don’t understand how a team like Syracuse is sitting next to us in the “first four out” group (according to Lunardi/ESPN). They did worse in their conference (9-9), didn’t make it to 20 wins, and of their 13 (!) losses one is a bad loss to St. John’s. Does the Boeheim situation really matter when they lost 5 of the last 6?

I completely agree. No reason Syracuse is in this either. But come on, Monmouth? st. Bonaventure? St. Mary? Valparaiso? Nose of those teams even compare to us in my eyes.

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