Bracketology Open Thread

We should schedule higher mid majors. We will most likely win against the Albany or stony brooks of the world they wouldn’t destroy are rpi

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Does anybody believe that the Texas win might not weigh as large on the mind of committee members due to the fact Levert was playing that game and they haven’t played the B1G season with him?

Nah because they had Ridley then too. It’s all due to the fact that the bottom half of the big ten is a joke and we couldn’t get any wins at the top. The top of our conference is so tough so there were no middle level teMs got us to get wins off of. Just us and Ohio st. They Ohio states was real real bad. Only team all year I felt we were better then and lost. Honestly if we win even that game id say we were in with a win against northwestern. Desperately needed that one.

HUGE loss for Vanderbilt. They are off the bubble

They are now on the bubble after that. They were pretty safe before that loss.

They weren’t safe just because Joe lunardi likes them. They have 2 top 50 rpi wins and 3 losses outside the rpi top 100. Jerry Palm will have them out. You can’t lose to a 14-18 team to end the season.

They are out

Michigan needs to pass the eye test more than anything tomorrow. Play competitive. Make the last impression on the committee a favorable one.

And if you want to get real crazy… Win the game.

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Agreed - can’t have the huge droughts, need to look competent at all times and keep this thing close.

In my opinion, this means if Dakich is on the floor, than the other 4 starters (or Dawkins) need to be out there. I cringed today when I saw a lineup of Dakich, MAAR, Dawkins, Kam, and Doyle out there for a few minute stretch. It didn’t last long…but against IU, that could be the difference. And that lineup just doesn’t pass any eye-test imaginable.

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That lineup should never be out there. Figure out a different rotation to get guys a blow


Watching that lineup was painful. More than anything tomorrow, Dawkins and donnal need to play solid minutes. Obviously Walton too but I know he can bounce back. Those 2 need to play well for us to win. I think we can do it

They are going to have to dig into their bench on a back to back game.

I agree. But donnal needs to play way better and Dawkins needs to figure out how to play basketball by tomorrow. I want to see more chatman with Irvin out there too

I saw the lineup of Dakich-Irvin-Dawkins-Chatman-Doyle out there today and got nauseous. The only positive from that lineup was the corner 3 from Dakich. I think JB needs to cut it down to 8 guys and have his 3 off the bench be Doyle (wish it was Wagner but thats not happening) Dawkins Chatman. Irvin has got to play the 2 more.

We can’t compete tomorrow if we go into one of our patented scoring droughts. Made Js limit fast break opportunities, and cover up for our woeful transition D.

Make shots, period.

Even with our good teams we’ve been known to drought. It’s the nature of coach b’s offense/ chucking threes. The key is not multiple droughts which is what this team is good at

Our “good” teams had the ability to generate points at the rim. This team has no such consistent ability. No creators.

I still find it hard to believe that 16 of our wins came against teams ranked 150 or worse? Does the win over D3 Northern Michigan even count?

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Yep. Get to the foul line too. Even then we use to always seem to have a four or five minute droughts. These guys have two or three of those a game

How does Wisconsin with a worse record and a boat load of horrible loses get in ahead of us? Yes they have 11 RPI top 100 wins to our 3, but they have 5 losses to RPI 100+ teams to our 0. Yes we got blown out by some good teams, but we didn’t lose to Western Illinois, UW-Millwaukee, or Nebraska. I’d rather get blown out by Xavier than lose to Western Illinois.

Yes, I’m frustrated with the whole season.

I don’t get that either. How is Wisconsin a lock, especially after getting smacked by Nebraska, and UM is on the bubble. They have several bad losses and our records are pretty similar.