Big Ten Basketball 2022-23 Discussion

Chris Collins: defensive wizard

Good chance for some road wins @Iowa and @Maryland.


Chris Lowery earning his salary there.

The other guy, seemingly, not

Iā€™m still high on Penn St, arenā€™t you?

This really is an impressive start, given the buy game struggles. Who regressive moreā€¦ Michigan or Northwestern :rofl:?

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Maybe the MAC is better than the Big Ten.

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I donā€™t know what to make of Penn State at this pointā€¦ To be honest, it is hard to find teams to be confident in this league, especially after you get beyond OSU/Purdue/Rutgers.

I think it matters a lot to Izzo and his team

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I donā€™t know what could constitute more bulletin board material that what Dickinson said. Thatā€™s about as much of a shot as youā€™ll ever see a player take at another school. If you donā€™t think extra trolling fires up the crowd a little more then we can agree to disagree. It was always going to be raucous and now on top of that raucous thereā€™s a super villain.


Hunter ran up and down the floor talking crap to Izzo and dominating them last year in Ann Arbor. Iā€™m pretty sure heā€™s going to be fired up on Saturday.


This. Surely MSU is motivated enough by what Hunter did to them on the court last year. He put them in a body bag and embarrassed them. The comments will have zero effect on the game. And MSU fans already hated Hunter before the latest commentary.


Do you think Dickinson wasnā€™t already a super villain to the MSU fanbase? Do you think Izzo hasnā€™t been stewing since the game in Ann Arbor last year? Hunter was Public Enemy #1 whether he kept his mouth shut, called them little brother or praised them as upstanding citizens at a tremendous school that are fantastic contributors to society. The hate was already ingrained.


Yes, of course the hate was already ingrained. This isnā€™t my first rodeo. I disagree if you donā€™t think the comments HD made about MSU students will add extra spice to the atmosphere.


For guys like hunter, running their mouth is often a way to get up for the game. Hopefully he is at his best for it.

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Thatā€™s the infuriating thing - Michigan in three games against decent teams (MN is bad but it was on the road) they have been really, really good. Those buy games they were not good at all and thatā€™s going to make the rest of the year a challenge to even make the tournament. I know we talk about the big missed opportunity against Virginia or how the UNC/UK games were closeā€¦but to me it is the CMU game and the overall sloppy play in the non-con that are maddening.

Heck, even if we stole the win against CMU weā€™d be touting overall SOS and clinging to the Pitt win while we shoot for 11-9 in conference. Now we need at least 12-8 and probably 13-7.

You are also only as good as who you play. Michigan handled Pitt and now has beat similar bubble type teams like Maryland and Penn State (at home). The good news is that it seems like the Big Ten mostly has bubble type teams, but how this group can play on the road and how they execute against better teams is the next step.

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Midnight Madness is an important part of the MSU basketball program that signals the start of the season.
Kristallnacht was a pogrom that signaled the start of the Holocaust.




ā€¦the NBA is a parallel universe?

This Purdue at Ohio State game feels huge as far as the Big Ten race for an early January game.