Big Ten Basketball 2019-20 Discussion

They couldn’t figure out the timeline for maximum profitability, bad PR, and supplication to fear. Failed in all counts

This is going to be the strangest two months possibly ever.


Honestly, how much good does restricting fans do? A tiny bit I’m sure and likely impossible to quantify, but all public transportation is still operating, every bar, restaurant, retailer, theater, fitness center, ymca, etc is still open. So many variables that I can’t imagine eliminating this one makes a tremendous amount of difference.

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Minnesota in “every team that plays Michigan” mode in the 2nd half.


Also I would think there are plenty of people who aren’t in Indianapolis yet (the top four teams don’t play til Friday) and won’t go. You can say the word coronavirus and get out of a hotel reservation at this point.


One wonders how long that will continue to be the case.

You’re sure that it will help a tiny bit? Well, that’s why they’re doing it.

Yes, it sucks for a lot of people who bought tickets. But take a look at the news stories out of Italy, where their hospitals are totally slammed and are out of ICU space, and you can understand where this push for social distancing is coming from. The mortality rate for this virus isn’t fixed; a lot of it depends on the response. If health systems aren’t overloaded, they can help more people recover.

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Their hospitals are totally slammed because they also were getting slammed by a terrible flu season. Perfect storm over there.

This is the best thing I’ve seen written on this topic.


I also understand the point of social distancing, but this doesn’t truly accomplish much of that. Far more exposure occurring through work and everything else I listed.

My point is that if flattening the curve is so important, then only restricting sporting events is relatively pointless when everything else is open to everyone.

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Because they are huge events and completely meaningless in the grand scheme of things. Easiest thing to start with.


How do you think having no fans will affect the teams performance? Will it even affect teams performances at all?

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True. It is low hanging fruit.

Going out to bar hop in a city is even more meaningless and you’ll come into contact with just as many germs doing that.

I saw this on twitter. Not sure how true it is, since it’s not like the first 2 rounds are ever super raucous.

I think they should eliminate announcers and just use the NBA Jam audio files. Make it as weird as possible.


Lol Pitino asked about what it will be like playing in an empty gym.

“Well, I coached a year at FIU and no one came to our games. So maybe that will help”


For one, these are not being guided by central authorities at this point, so all a sporting event organizer can do is to restrict the sporting event, they can’t close the subway. But…not sure where you live, but enough people are self-selecting themselves out of public situations already that crowds are much smaller than they would have been. I imagine this behavior will only intensify.

Except that the testing criteria do not include pre-symptomatic cases.