Big Ten Basketball 2019-20 Discussion


Wait, no lacrosse players? Pppft. Northwestern does it better.


How could they?! They’re going to add players who have been in contact with other people outside of their basketball circle?! Their whole team is destined for coronavirus now!

We get it. You think that this is overblown, soon to end, and something to be ridiculed in response to anything posted, even if it is something as innocuous and off the virus point as Nebraska’s addition of two players to the roster. We all hope that things work out as you predict. Many, however, believe that it will not. While we wait to find out what happens, can you please stop injecting it into the response to seemingly every post.


This study estimated possibly >9000 as of 3/1.

Extrapolate the high end over 2.5 doubling cycles (4 day global doubling average) and you get to 51,000 potential cases today.

I was just goofing around. Obviously.

That number is artificially low due to the lack of systematic testing.


If there really are 51,000 cases, then the mortality rate is much lower than the current 3.2% reported in the US. 28 deaths now, so the mortality rate would be 0.05% with 51,000 cases. Flu is usually around 0.1%.


Yes, absolutely SuperDave and bebopson. I agree.

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I think I’ll listen to the epidemiologists on this one.


All I did was simple math from the numbers you posted.

I’m listening to the CDC who is still saying this: “For the majority of people, the immediate risk of being exposed to the virus that causes COVID-19 is thought to be low. There is not widespread circulation in most communities in the United States.”

OK, though…trigger warning…some of those 51K are going to die, unfortunately.

I don’t think any of the math based on current info is particularly reliable, all we can do is plan for bad scenarios.

People with covid-19 don’t die or recover immediately after testing, it takes days or weeks depending on their underlying health. See the link below, which estimates 6% death rate from resolved (recovered or died, not ongoing) cases.

We should be looking at S.Korea’s numbers, because they have the most rigorous and transparent testing program.

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More Big Ten basketball reading below:

South Korea didn’t muck up its test like the CDC, and they are the country to watch to get a better idea of the fatality rate.

Michigan as yet has no confirmed cases, but of course there are people carrying the virus here. Some of them will be asymptomatic, others mild symptoms. It likely won’t be detected here until there’s a severe case.


LOL :joy: I hadn’t checked this thread since the end of the MSU game. I thought there was inordinate amount of posts about the league given all the other content we’ve been given here (Thanks @umhoops!!)

In all seriousness, good discussion above. I hope those that are posting are educated on the matter, because I’m relying on you for info :wink:

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Many colleges are closing down. Michigan and MSU included. Hard to imagine fans being at any games moving forward.

EDIT: Not UM yet

I see that MSU is cancelling face to face classes, but haven’t seen the same for UM. Where are you seeing that?

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Ahh I may have just seen two seperate tweets about MSU and missed the ‘State’ in one of them.

I work at U-Maryland. Spring break is next week. Classes are cancelled the following week. All classes to be online until mid-April. Very comparable to a number of east coast institutions.

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All good. Honestly, wouldn’t be shocked if we see UM make a similar announcement today.