Big Ten Basketball 2019-20 Discussion

Not sure I see what you’re saying. It literally says only 22 deaths and is simply a graphic showing the number of confirmed cases.

There’s no false information.

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But with the rate the virus has shown to spread those numbers will likely climb much higher. Especially considering many people don’t show symptoms for quite some time.

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In a couple of months everyone is going to basically forget about this other than lingering memes making jokes about the hysteria.

Even the Wuhan region that was hit the hardest is seeing a drastic drop off in cases now. Only 19 new cases there today.

Cancelling events won’t stop the spread of the virus, but it will delay the spread over a longer period of time which will keep hospitals from being overwhlemed. If I were the NCAA I’d take the 1st and 2nd round games out of Spokane for sure.


They took extremely massive quarantine efforts there.


I was more so referring to the dark red color that can perhaps incite some unwarranted hysteria lol. Just a random observation though, wasn’t really trying to add substance to the discussion.

To add, I commented because I often cringe when I see visual representation for instances such as this, which was kind of my overarching point. It makes much sense to logically analyze things than to put it on a map, which can definitely cloud a lot of people’s judgements.

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Yep, absolutely. I don’t disagree. And we all want our tournament to take place. Perhaps we ought to understand the enormous decisions these conferences, entertainment venues, etc have to make.

By the way, I am one of those 16%, though I am in GREAT shape, so please don’t discount me! :wink:


I understand that. Just pointing out that this won’t linger if people just use some logic.

Yeah I’m going to go with no on that one. No way this is over and done with in 2 months.


Like not organizing events with thousands of people from all over the country? :wink:

Honestly I just want this under control by the time the Olympics come lol


Not discounting you. You just happen to fall in the age range that needs to be more conscious and careful about this.

For most of America, this is a fever and cough that lasts a couple days. The symptoms are extremely mild in most cases.

Taking this seriously and being smart about it is great. I just can’t stand the hysteria.


Actually we are now up to 762 cases and 28 dead as of 1:30 PM today. Going up fairly quickly which is what happened in Italy and elsewhere.


I agree with what you are saying. Hysteria and panic are NOT the way to approach ANY problem. It is important to be cautious!


This is the point. It isn’t that canceling events, having everyone work from home, etc. will stop the virus. Or that they will stop you from the virus.

The whole idea is that by slowing the rate of spread by taking actions like this then the virus will spread more slowly and the hospitals will be more equipped to deal with the people who need help.

Some graphs of “flattening the curve” on Twitter that are useful to explain it.

Basically, our medical system is no stress tested. A spike in spread would be like a DDOS attack on hospitals.


This is from yesterday:

And this is from today:

This is not going to just go away, especially with how higher ups in the US are currently handling it.


Honestly for everyone’s safety, they should just cancel the entire NCAA tournament and reward the national title to the champion of the non-conference neutral site tournament with the most ranked teams in it from the 2019-2020 season. Ladies and gentlemen, your 2020 National Champions presented by the Bad Boy Mowers Battle 4 Atlantis, the Michigan Wolverines!


I mean…the last two national champions had won that exact tournament, so it’s basically just science.


It does help. Most contagious once symptoms appear. So stay home if sick. It helps.

gotta live your life. there is no guidance or leadership, seems all over the place and thats my biggest problem with this whole deal

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