Big Ten Basketball 2019-20 Discussion

Thank you for using the stats to say what i was trying to express. In an alternate reality I would love to see what he would have done at Michigan and Simpson at MSU or Wisconsin.

If he’s talented wouldn’t he have left for the NBA by now? No NBA scout is saying he’s oozing with talent and potential. Look at other great college point guards. Shabbaz Napier, Marcus Paige, Joel Berry, Markus Howard. They’re fantastic college players but nobody is saying or said they have a lot of talent at the pro level. There’s a reason guys like these are never NBA stars. NBA players are bigger, faster, stronger. They’d make nice rotation players but being a “generational talent” seems far fetched. Replace talent with skill or another word and you got me.

Size, length, and athleticism are not the same thing as talent.

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Tell NBA scouts that :rofl:

Who is talking about the NBA level? Winston is going to be one of the best college basketball players over the last decade at least.

We are talking about college basketball. Ben Simmons was super talented but a crappy college player. What does that have to do with anything?


He’s definitely a talented player don’t get me wrong. I love him as a player but “generation talent” seemed like a stretch. I didn’t think it was honestly that hot of a take to be honest :grimacing::grimacing:

Ben Simmons numbers were great he just can’t shoot the dang ball to save his life. On a college level Cassius talented no question. In terms of NBA potential no not really.

Yeah, my point was that if you were building a college basketball team you would choose Winston over Simmons 100 times out of 100 (or Winston over Ant Edwards, whoever). We are just talking about different things. One that impacts winning in college, one that impacts future paychecks.

I suspect this is a debate we’ll be having a lot this summer in various strains. :rofl: (i.e. Zavier Simpson vs. a hypothetical Josh Christopher)


Hehehe yeah I totally agree with that 100%. My original take was just that a lot of people don’t like Izzo because of how animated he is but I’d say that’s was makes him a great coach. It’s fair to say having one of the best PG’s in the last decade helped no question. But the dude is still a HOF coach because he gets the absolute most out of his players.

Tell that to jaren Jackson

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Not sure if anyone saw the Michigan women play the Ohio State women yesterday. Yet another depressing thing to watch. They fought hard and stayed close, but failed to score much in the last three minutes. It sucks to lose to Ohio State in basketball football and women’s basketball.


I thought he was really good? He won BIG DPOY, played with a great motor too and shot it well from three. MSU had Miles Bridges at the time, Cassius, Nick Ward, and a healthy Langford. He didn’t need to score the ball a lot to be effective. Don’t forget Tum Tum Nairn LOL!

I’m hoping the debate will be over Zavier Simpson and an actual Josh Christopher. Will be disappointed if Josh is only hypothetical this summer.

Who would be on your All Big Ten teams?

Just tried to think of something and have no clue outside of Garza and Winston. I wanted to put Tillman and Smith but that’s 3 centers. Not sure what wings deserve it.

Garza, Winston Stevens and Ayo I think are the top 4. 5th gets a lot tougher.

A guy with a 95 ortg in conference doesn’t deserve first team.



COY: Gard
POY: Garza
DPOY: Tillman
6th Man: Potter

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