2021 NBA Draft Discussion

How much Cade content can you turn out by tomorrow afternoon? I would read, like, and share all of it.


Im not sure his ceiling is superstar level high, but his floor seems like fringe all star.


So when are we getting the video breakdown on Cade?


You guys must be psyched, as my new second team Iā€™m pumped. Is Cade really the no brainer? He might be the safest but I like Green and Kuminga a whole lot.

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Double post. Iā€™d add you guys are in great shape moving forward. Building something good up there.

He has zero spacing because OSU surrounding cast, other than Anderson, is not good. Cade will see more open space than at OSU. His shooting projects well in the next level so Iā€™m not entirely too worried about it.

Iā€™ve heard good things about Cade as a person so Iā€™m not too worried about it.


Heā€™s the no brainer. There is a reason why heā€™s a consensus #1 prospect in the draft wire to wire. His shooting, size, vision and passing ability are NBA caliber.


Letā€™s gooooooooooooo!! A long time coming for the Stones.

Ben freaking Wallace the GOAT


Oh I feel super confident that Cade is gonna be a top-ten level guy. Might not have the athleticism to be in that next level of superstar like a Lebron or KD, but I feel very strongly that heā€™s a #1 on a contender quality player.


When I watched Cunningham play seemed it was not a well coached team; putting Cunningham in tough spots, taking terrible twoā€™s. I think his woes were selection issue not a shooting issue


Yeah expected pts/shot = selection. He was a very good shooter who took tough shots.

Iā€™m not hating on him, I just think there are higher ceilings. Iā€™m sure Detroit picks him, he fills a huge need so it makes sense. I just wonder if heā€™s a lock or not. It would take balls to go another direction.

There is just something about him that I canā€™t put my finger on that I donā€™t love. I wonder if he will just be good not great. Maybe its the lack of elite athleticism?


In this draft?

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Theoretically Mobley could turn into Anthony Davis I guess. Thatā€™s probably it as far as higher ceilings


Everyone talks about Mobleyā€™s upside because heā€™s so switchable but he also can struggle in the post because of his body type. Just watch the hunter Dickinson game and drew timme games, whatā€™s the beast back to the basket bigs going do to him in the nba.

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Iā€™m not as confident that heā€™s top 10, but I am incredibly confident in his floor. I just donā€™t see how heā€™s not a 10+ year highly effective backcourt player. Injuries only thing that could stop him.

Cade is 100% a lock to go #1 overall. Higher ceiling? Only argument is Mobley but how much can a big make you a contender? Cade at least can be the one who takes the big shot in crunch time.

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The problem is the nba has Embiid and Vuc and thatā€™s about it when it comes to post up scoring.

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Cade is gonna have to come to some Michigan games to watch his former teammates Zeb and Caleb.


Not sure if anyone knows HaHa Davis but heā€™s a Detroit native and heā€™s a huge Detroit sports fan and also a Michigan fan. Heā€™s one of the top comedians currently on social media and heā€™s pretty popular with many relevant celebrities and athletes. Peep the shirt in this skit he did earlier today. He also has a hilarious skit on the Detroit Lions and their draft he did.