2021 NBA Draft Discussion

Interesting decision…

Do you see any path for Kofi to improve his stock? Seems like he is what he is and not a fit for the modern NBA. Unless he can develop a 3ball in the off-season … :thinking:

Did Franz get scored on a ton against UCLA? I thought he was on Jaquez all game, and he didn’t do anything.

But on offense he was pretty miserable.


How many guys test the year before and then stay the next year though?

Oh, I think he absolutely wants to go and probably will go. It is just an interesting situation given the lack of interest in him at the next level potentially.

Ya definitely, I just wonder what Kofi can do to even improve his stock next year?

And that’s the dilemma.


I have long ago given up trying to figure out NBA draft rankings because they rarely match the eye test for me and have such a low hit rate. But a couple of thoughts…

  • I don’t get the Scottie Barnes love that high. I think he has potential and is a first rounder…but that high? I always get nervous about drafting guys who can’t shoot at positions where they need to shoot and hope I can teach that to them.
  • I understand some of Kofi’s limitations in the modern NBA…but not sure I’d take Garza or TJD over him and I love Liddell but I’m not sure what his NBA role is.
  • Greg Brown…well…what an enigma. I think he can turn into an elite stretch 4 and his shooting has promise…but he’ll take a while.
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Well, we know he got scored on by Tyger Campbell. :sob:

Yeah, he had a couple of times he got beat on a switch, but one of the reasons that Vasquez was a non-factor is because he had Franz on him all night.


With Franz, there’s this weird give and take between his experience (ALBA, two years of college) and his age (as young as most freshmen). You can just excuse a guy like Greg Brown getting basically benched late in the year because he’s a freshman but Franz is the same age.

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Garza I think has the best chance to stick because of his 3 point shot but his defense might be bad enough that he can’t stick. I agree on TJD, I don’t see it. I just don’t see any place for Kofi in today’s NBA.

Is Liddell this low because of his size (or lack of size)? Seems like he could develop into a pretty good shooter. I hope he still leaves. Osu could be very good with him coming back.

He’s kind of stuck in between. He plays like a big but he’s 6’7". He has shown that he can shoot in flashes but he hasn’t shown that he can guard in the perimeter. To me, he can improve if he can do it and would be a PJ Tucker type in the next level.

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I agree - Liddell is probably too much of a tweener to ever have a big role in the NBA, but his skill set is well rounded enough (shooting, post moves, rebounding, etc.) that he can find a bench role.

I feel like Kofi is physically talented enough and still young enough that there’s a place for him on a bench somewhere. Garza’s athleticism and defense are so limited that I don’t even see a Moe Wagner career for him - but that’s probably what he’s hoping for. Kofi is such a physical specimen and still improving that I think I’d give him a shot at least with a 2-way contract and see how he develops. Maybe put him on the Duncan curriculum and tell him he needs to shoot away from the rim more and get multiple assists per game in the G-league.

TJD is a good player and has NBA athleticism…but feels like “just a guy” in the NBA. He’s not a shooter, he’s not that tall/big, he’s not a ball handler. Maybe he can guard 4s and 5s and score enough to stick though.

I think Sam was wrong on the defensive game. The only mistakes I can remember were a corner three where he was just a little late switching onto the shooter and the Tyger Campbell shot. He guarded Jacquez and Bernard from what I remember and they combined for 3-16 from the field. Just seemed an odd comment he made on his pod as well.


Is there a market for him oversees? Not sure it makes sense to come back if he could make a good living in Europe/elsewhere given that players his size have a limited shelf life and another year will not meaningfully improve his stock.

One think you have to consider when evaluations players for the NBA is that most college basketball is awful in comparison. Just unwatchable.

This is especially true when it comes to spacing. Someone like Cade Cunningham will look so much better without everyone packed in the paint. Tim Hardaway Jr was not someone who could get his own shot (besides those pull ups) in college but he’s a reliable bucket getter in the pros.

Also, I don’t think the hit rate is as low as people think. Most lottery players have long NBA careers. But few of them are stars because there’s just so much talent in the league.


I think Kofi will be back. He is simply too far down the list and he risks missing a 2-way or G League contract entirely. If he comes back he can at least try to extend his range to 15 feet?

Not that it’s exactly a scientific study, but I looked at the 21 players within 10 spots of Kofi’s spot on Sam’s pre-draft big board last year. Of the ones that were US-based, all but 1 ended up in the D-League, about half on 2 way contracts, half just on a D-league deal.