Trey and Tim

Trey comes back and the Jazz suddenly starts winning games.

Hardaway is on the verge of pushing JR Smith out of the rotation.

Hopefully these two can keep up the good play.

Various Tim highlights

Highlights of Tim’s career high a few days ago

More Burke footage

Burke torching for NO for his career high, that he just eclipsed tonight lol

The Jazz have won 3 of their last 4 with Burke in the lineup. Shades of Iverson and Damian Lillard in his game. Knock down shooter and lightening quick off of screens.

Trey was looking nice tonight. Glad he’s finally settled and playing the game we all know he can.

A lot of articles about how the Knicks might get rid of Shumpert because TH Jr. is playing well. Nice to see.

The Jazz have won 3 of their last 4 with Burke in the lineup. Shades of Iverson and Damian Lillard in his game. Knock down shooter and lightening quick off of screens.

I love Trey Burke, but I would never characterize Burke as lightning quick, and certainly not Iverson or Lilliard-esque by any stretch, those guys were on a completely different level athletically. Truthfully, he has below average lateral movement in the NBA. What he does have, however, is great change of direction and speed. Even in some of the clips above, when he changes direction and speed, he still has trouble getting by the defender. I actually think the attribue that Trey has that fools everybody is strength. He maintains his balance despite being bumped, never looks like he’s taking a wild shot. Glad he’s put together a nice streak in the league.

I am not usually an NBA guy but I am enjoying watching these two play. I am thinking that this slow Michigan start has a lot to do with losing these two guys that could be here. I know you have to roll with what you have, but it is going to take some time to get the current group together.

Also, great site… check it everyday. You guys are doing a great job.

I also have more interest in the NBA now that Tim and Trey are playing. I’m very surprised how well Jr. is playing for the Knicks and his confidence to shoot the rock. He has the green light every time down the floor and he does not hesitate. I wasn’t sure he’d be a very good pro or that Woodson would give him minutes but the kid fits in well. He brings energy and believe it or not can play D… of course it is the NBA and no one plays D on the Knicks. I’m glad it’s working out for him because I didn’t think he’d see the floor. I wasn’t sure he’d be a better Pro than D Morris but DMO can’t find his shot and I think it cost him. I saw where THJ ranked as one of the top ten rookies early on and that surprised me.

The point should not be overlooked that JB and Staff can really teach players how to shoot…notice the difference between Caris this year and last…and I’ll throw Trey in as well. They are fundamentally better balanced after two years of coaching…watch Irvin over the next two years.

As for Trey, his experience with the PNR is paying dividends but also the ability to keep his team under control. His shot puts a lot of pressure on opposing defenses and he’s been able to penetrate and dish effectively. I agree he’s not that quick but he makes every one around him better. Love his low turnover ratio…that’s a Michigan trait …protect the ball and distribute. His future looks very bright if he keeps it up!

Thanks for the highlight vids guestavo!

THJ will get his first NBA start this afternoon against the Celtics! Congrats to Junior, he deserves the opportunity.

NBA ROOKIE LADDER. Top 5 NBA rookies…#3 Trey Burke…#5 Tim Hardaway Jr…THJ leads all rookies in shooting percentage…what a steal? Good job fellas…Go Blue!

Happy for Tim I just wish he was doing that well for someone besides the Knicks.

I hear you SVEN, you may get your wish. THJ was mentioned in a possible trade to the Raptors in a package deal…just a rumor but the Knicks are bad! The NBA game is just not the same!

Trey just put on a 30 point, 7 rebound, 8 assist performance against Oladipo and the Magic.

If it was MCW, ESPN would be going crazy.

If it was MCW, ESPN would be going crazy.

They really are all over him aren’t they?

Trey Burke 4th in the NBA in assist to turnover ratio.

Not surprised to see Hardaway blossom…his game really rounded out last year, after a disappointing sophomore season.

Burke started to heat up in the clutch but couldn’t pull through. The Jazz need one more piece and have to trade one of Kanters/Favor before they can compete.

The need to KEEP Kanter and Favors. That is going to be a major strength to their team going forward. They need Parker or Wiggins and will be off and running in a few year.