Spain Game 3 - Michigan vs Joventut

‪Michigan wraps up Spain tour today vs. Jovenut Badalona. Jovenut finished in the bottom half of Spain’s top league last year. Their star is former Baylor wing Quincy Miller but looks like he might not be with the team yet. Purdue’s Dakota Mathias is a new signing. ‬

Game starts at 1pm AA time.

Correct, sorry forgot to include that. Game is also at the same venue as Thursday’s game, but this team is a local Spanish team rather than a foreign squad. I believe they play their preseason games in this area every year or at least quite often.

And we’re off… I don’t see Quincy Miller there, which is notable.

Jon Teske with a few early buckets

Michigan pounding it inside… Mathias getting loose. Mathias always seemed to kill U-M.

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Sounds like this one is all Teske and Davis

Seems like at least a bit more flow for U-M here…


Spoke too soon