Spain Game 3 - Michigan vs Joventut

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Coming out party in Spain for Austin, Eli and, of course, Iggy.

Poole is scoring and Isaiah seems to be finding a groove. But WTF, what is going on with CM and Z?


If Austin and Teske are scoring… someone is either a) throwing them the ball (usually Charles or Zavier) or b) missing a shot that they are rebounding (probably Charles, maybe Zavier).

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Young team, but a lot of backdoor baskets given up this week in Spain. To be expect, but I can’t imagine it’ll make Yaklich a happy camper.

Offensive struggles continue.

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That’s a wrap


So Iggy wins the 3-game scoring title. Followed by Poole I guess. Then, roughly the same are Austin, CM, Livers and Brooks. All off the top of my head.

Definitely didn’t think they’d go 1-2 on this trip… good to know what to work on before the real season

Coach B said they could go 0-3 though I’m not sure he was serious about that. And that was before he had heart surgery and had to miss the trip. They have a lot to work on, obviously, and this experience will make them better in several categories. I’m excited to see how they put it all together and progress throughout the season this year.