Podcast: On Juwan Howard, Michigan, and the fallout of an ugly scene at Wisconsin

The statements by the AD and President make it look like they agree with Wisconsin that it was Juwans fault.

I also don’t get how Wisconsin seems to come off as innocent in this mess. At least according to most media and basketball fans.


Bottom line is this: Juwan escalated the situation to a place it never should have gone and he crossed a line that he can’t cost. That’s inexcusable and deserves a hefty suspension and he let down his team.

There should also be Wisconsin suspensions (and additional Michigan suspensions).

Doesn’t really seem that complicated to me.


No need to give us a reason. Juwan is a firey coach and guy who wears his emotions on his sleeve. what you see is what you get with him. I would not want anybody different coaching the team. He just needs to have a short memory and turn everything off once the game is over.

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That was incredible. Like one of the most truly mind blowing things I’ve seen from a University that continues to blow my mind.

The act of slapping another coach does not fit in the categories of “fiery” and “wearing emotions on your sleeve”. Conversely, people who do horrible acts are often lacking in emotion.

Also, if it is true that “what you see is what you get”, then does that mean we get to see more slapping? Because I saw him slapping someone.

The question now is,will he be suspended or fired. Assuming he is not fired…what prevents him from going off again when he perceives a slight from another coach.

He’s not getting fired.



Nothing “prevents him from” doing anything but he’ll have to learn from the experience like anyone else. He let his players down in a big way IMO.


Very disappointing, I think he can coach, he can recruit, and it seems like the players like him. I hope he can turn it around.


I’m not going to defend what Juwan did. I just don’t like how everyone except yourself acts like Wisconsin is innocent. I realize their assistants didn’t slap or punch anyone. But it’s wrong for them to grab, push or get in an opposing player face. An they should also be suspended for their actions.


I gotta be honest, I wish you had handled this as a pin down episode. I don’t have the same visceral problem with him that many here do, but I can’t stand to listen to Brendan “Let’s Whitewash Izzo” Quinn cover this topic. Because my only beef with him (besides sometimes overselling Sparty) is that he doesn’t seem to grapple with all the morally questionable issues around Izzo and I think he allows Izzo a different standard for his frequently reckless behavior. So I think I may have to skip this podcast.

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Who is acting like they are innocent? I know both of us on the pod said that we expect suspensions on both sides, right?


Brendan is pretty reasonable here.


Thanks, I was kind of hoping someone would let me know if there was an all clear on listening lol

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More reasonable than his “cell phone” takes for sure.

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That’s why I said except you. Have you listen any other local or national media? They definitely act like Wisconsin did nothing wrong.


I mean the bottom line is that Juwan is going to get a lot of the headlines because a) he’s Juwan Howard and b) he was the head coach that struck another coach.

He crossed a line that kind of makes everything else irrelevant. Yes, I think Krabbenhoft, Neath and Chambliss should be getting suspensions as well, but that’s not the lead of the story and it shouldn’t be.


One reaction to what’s in the podcast - comparing calling the late timeout against OSU is not a good comparison. You can’t use a timeout to rub it in against the other team when you’re the team that’s losing.

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That’s a good/fair point. Not the same situation but it was still a bit of a weird timeout.

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Just doesn’t really fall in the relevant information category. I think coaches on the short end calling timeout is a weird thing that opposing crowds boo. Who knows why they do it - they could feel it’s a moment where they have their team’s attention in a way they might not in a postgame losing locker room, but mostly it’s a whatever thing. I guess maybe it can be seen as delaying a celebration by being petty, but in this case, UM was the home team, so it’s not even that.