Michigan Women's Hoops

Michigan has kept the turnovers low and generally has handled the press much better today. They have a better plan for it and are passing through it well.

But, just like last time they met, Ohio State is just burning up the nets from 3. They’re shooting 75% from 3, including another one from 25% shooter Nikki Harris. I just don’t get it.

Not only is Michigan a pretty good defensive team, but shooting 75% takes some serious luck going your way. The best 3-point shooters on the team shoot in the low-40s. If you’re doubling that up as a team, you’re getting lucky.

It’s generally feast or famine for the Buckeyes:
Screenshot - Mar. 03 16.08 10538

They’ve only crested 40% in a game 3 times since the new year. One of those was against M last time, and here we are again.

i was told this is all KBA’s fault by someone who interprets cloudy days or dropping ice cream cones as KBA’s fault, so I’ll be trusting that, not the guy who consistently puts out great, measured, well-researched content on the team

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I was about to get real hype if that Nolan three went down.

Well, folks, heading out to an event for my daughter. I’ll be watching on my phone until we get there. Here’s hoping we’re chatting it up here tomorrow!

Back to back missed layup and OSU now up 7. Dang

Maaaaaaan. :confused:

Michigan loses to Ohio state three times in one year. This team beat no body in top 4. They blew a chance to host this year. Every year they seem to fold down the stretch.


It looked like Brown may have been fouled on that 2nd to last attempt. Rough one. Great game.


Had the 3 pt shooter wide open for the kick out (sorry forget her name). That was unfortunate. Hopefully better days ahead for the men and women.

I thought so, but we were watching on a grainy phone connection due to bad signal soooo, probably not the one to ask. :sweat_smile:

She was either bumped with the body or it was a seriously awkward attempt. I’m leaning towards the former.

In other news, I just found that there’s a “mute” feature in the Forum settings. :rofl:

Back to the thread, I guess the loss eliminates any chance of hosting the opening rounds. The good news is that both Brown and Phelia look should be both in good shape for once the NCAA’s do start. Phelia definitely looked a little rusty on some of those finish attempts.

Brown was clearly hesitant, almost all game. Still, you have to hope that they can get on a roll in the early rounds of the NC2As and do some damage.

omg thank you. my goal is to look at the game thread after a game like yesterday’s and see, like, 40 total posts :rofl:

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I’m ready to give up basketball

In all seriousness, they played well. A game like that you can find all sorts of things, but those consecutive missed layups by Kiser and Phelia in the 4th stand out, as well as general janky FT shooting

Thought they showed a ton of fight, took a billion charges


Looking at the ESPN replay and it looks like a tie up that they didn’t call initially. An obvious body bump. Nolan was semi open but would’ve been a very difficult pass. No foul on the 2nd attempt. Brown could’ve shot if softer off the corner square maybe? Tough tough


A day after shooting 52% from three against Michigan, Ohio State is shooting 17% against Indiana. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

They came back from down 20 at the half and won by 4.

I’d take Osu coach over Barnes arico in heartbeat. They will win tourney.

Articles are one part of speech that could absolutely be your friend.