Michigan Non-Revenue Sports 2022-23 (and '24!)

I don’t get the impression that B10 softball is “down” as much as Michigan isn’t currently a national power like it was - the rest seems to be very constant?

I think the only reason that it might seem down is that Northwestern and Michigan weren’t ranked to start the year (though Northwestern is now) and the one ranked team to start the year (Nebraska) has been pretty average since Jordy Bahl got hurt. Penn State is a pretty awesome story. Big Ten won’t be a one-bid league (maybe two or three), so if UM keeps winning it should be fine.


The only big dip from recent years that I can think of is Minnesota.

From the links, we’ve got a golfing champ:

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And Tennis champs!

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And a Men’s Gymnastics champ:


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Let’s Go Blue!!


Softball moved up to 43 in the RPI. Provided they don’t get rained out, they’re at Oakland U today.


She’s either won or shared B1G Freshman of the Week for the last 3 weeks.


She hit another triple today in her first AB.

Michigan wins at OU 9-4.


With 7 regular season games remaining, the softball team is 1 HR away from doubling last year’s total of 25 and they have the most they’ve hit since 2019. They’re on pace to have their highest number of round-trippers since the 2016 team.


It speaks of player development from last season to this season. A good sign of a good coaching staff. It’s encouraging to see the progress from last season to this season for Tholl. It’s an incredible difficult job on following up a legend as a coach. I don’t envy her position.


It’s also very encouraging to see so many freshman contributing this year. You never know in this portal era, but if they all stay, this could be a very good team in the next few years.
Theoretically, if Keke uses her Covid shirt, every starter could return.


It looks like they have a good recruiting class too:

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Hopefully, one of the two pitchers can contribute right away.

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Derkowski still has a year left and I believe freshman Erin Hoehn did have a no-hitter earlier this year, so that’s a good foundation. There may not be a dominant ace but they’re still pretty strong. However, it would be great if there is a future ace in the '24 class.
In the past few years, they have lost a handful of young pitchers to the portal (Widra, Dennis), along with Storako. If she’d stayed, along with battery-mate Hannah Carson and Widra, Bonnie’s first year would’ve been a lot smoother.

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I just decided to check out Widra’s stats with Auburn and I’m really surprised. She’s hitting .250 with limited power numbers and is 4-2 with a save as a pitcher. She hit .250 last year and .250 as a freshman at Michigan. So, I guess I shouldn’t be that surprised, but she seemed like a star in the making when she was here.

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Softball gets the shutout in Game 1 at Penn State, 2-0.

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The Dirtbags?:rofl::rofl::rofl:


Yea indeed, and it’s fantastic

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