Luke Kennard Decision Monday

I simply do not understand how we only have 2 outstanding offers. Seems ridiculous. Most schools ) I know we are special and are not most) have a handful of offers out there. What is up? And when will we put more out there?

Offers for 2015? Why would we need to have 5 or 6 offers out there right now, when we don’t even know how many slots we’ll have open? Right now, as it stands, we have none, pending any official announcement of early departures, and a decision on Hatch’s long term status. There’s plenty of time to extend offers to guys who are really interested and a good fit for us, and it’s not as if the lack of an offer means the coaching staff hasn’t shown interest. Let Kentucky offer half of the Rivals top 20, if they want to recruit that way. I’d rather have an offer from us mean something.

Yes- Offers for 2015. Kids commit earlier these days. You have to show them you want them …and offer. 22 of top 100 are committed and this is growing by the week. Don’t make moves and might miss out. Don’t know how many we will have? Not exactly but…at least 1. Hatcher 2. Horford…then prob for McGary & Robinson…So GO. Don’t wait. Kids like when they are wanted. How many kids feel wanted by us right now? 2 - just 2. Others we show interest to…don’t feel wanted by us b/c they have a handful of other offers they are excited about…then have us just interested. We need to make up our minds who we want & go after them.

Yes- Offers for 2015. Kids commit earlier these days. You have to show them you want them ...and offer. 22 of top 100 are committed and this is growing by the week. Don't make moves and might miss out. Don't know how many we will have? Not exactly least 1. Hatcher 2. Horford.....then prob for McGary & Robinson.....So GO. Don't wait. Kids like when they are wanted. How many kids feel wanted by us right now? 2 - just 2. Others we show interest to.....don't feel wanted by us b/c they have a handful of other offers they are excited about...then have us just interested. We need to make up our minds who we want & go after them.

We need to let Beilein do his thing. That’s not how he operates and it appears to be working fine for him.

Besides, is it “showing love” when you “offer” 20 kids? Or when you’re more selective and only offer 5 or 6? I’m fine with being selective. They obviously let the kids they want know that they’re after them one way or another.

I’m ok with the current process and recruiting…look at the results!

i have never posted on this forum, but am honestly amazed at some of the responses here and feel the need to weigh in.

I totally agree with Chazer and JBlair (the last two posts). I’m born and raised near AA (born in '91), and my family has had season bball tickets since '96. i cannot comprehend how we, as true blue fans, can be questioning the recruiting practices of JB and staff right now in the midst of what they have been accomplishing.

I am a recent D-1 major-conference college athlete (albeit in soccer and not basketball). I am not trying to play high-horse as a 23 year-old but I think some of you, as fans, need to trust JB’s process that has yielded amazing results. Having faith and full confidence in a D-1 coaching staff’s recruiting process (which is extremely thorough and meticulous) might require some unique perspective that only those with certain experience possess.

I urge those fans without this perspective to simply base their opinion of the coaching staff’s philosophies and procedures by the on-field or on-court product they witness.

Go Blue!

I am amazed that We have not offered Eric Davis is seems to be a priority of other schools that are considered a Blue Blood. It kinda speaks to the State and tells them that Michigan would rather have players out of state rather than in-state. This is coming from a HS coach and I hear people talk and it is not favorable towards US. When you have top talents and you wait to offer and I know it is about fit, but in my opinion he fits better than Coleman or Brunson. The kid has won AP player of Year averaging 27pts a game against top competition. Finally Brian Bowen 2017 SG Fits even better and we will have to get in with this kid because he can be just as good Josh Jackson next year. But hey i want to grab him before Duke,Kansas, or worst MSU gets him. Also my close friend that is familiar with Saginaw BBall tells me that he is not a LOCK for MSU like “experts” think.

Though our staff are great talent evaluators, there was an element of luck to Burke, Hardaway, LeVert, etc that cannot be counted on. 4 years of good fortune with diamonds in the rough isn’t probably sustainable so it would be nice to see a more aggressive approach.

Though our staff are great talent evaluators, there was an element of luck to Burke, Hardaway, LeVert, etc that cannot be counted on. 4 years of good fortune with diamonds in the rough isn't probably sustainable so it would be nice to see a more aggressive approach.

What about Stauskas? McGary? Robinson? Walton? Irvin? Chatman?

Though our staff are great talent evaluators, there was an element of luck to Burke, Hardaway, LeVert, etc that cannot be counted on. 4 years of good fortune with diamonds in the rough isn't probably sustainable so it would be nice to see a more aggressive approach.

What about Stauskas? McGary? Robinson? Walton? Irvin? Chatman?

Good talent but if the unheralded recruits had not panned out then they would not be enough to compete for a title.

Well, you can play the “what if” game both ways. What if UM had landed Klay Thompson and Blackmon and so and so. And it’s hard to see how THJr can be described as lucky. He was an early priority that the staff landed, was pretty darn good from the outset, etc. Also, it’s not like all the unheralded recruits are now all-B1G players. Bielfeldt provides depth and Spike is great but not about to win post-season awards. There is a lot of support for the conclusion that (a) our staff will make good talent evalations early, (b) get enough of the players they prioritize early, and © if needed, be able to find players late that will fill roles and have potential to blossom into more.

Going into next year, even if McGary, GRIII, and Stauskas all leave, we still have a nucleus of Levert (Jr), Walton (So.), Irvin (So), Donnal (RS Fr.), Chatman (Fr.), Albrecht (Jr), Doyle (Fr.), Wilson (Fr.), Hatch? (Fr.), and Horford (RS Sr.). That’s a nucleus with a nice combination of youthful experience, talent, and roster flexibility. It’s not like we are in crisis mode, and after the success of the past 2-3 seasons in particular, trusting the coaches a little is justified.

Though our staff are great talent evaluators, there was an element of luck to Burke, Hardaway, LeVert, etc that cannot be counted on. 4 years of good fortune with diamonds in the rough isn't probably sustainable so it would be nice to see a more aggressive approach.

What about Stauskas? McGary? Robinson? Walton? Irvin? Chatman?

Good talent but if the unheralded recruits had not panned out then they would not be enough to compete for a title.

The “luck” wasn’t really in if they panned out. I’d say the only luck was that they were available - Burke (Penn St) and Levert (Ohio).

If you can evaluate, then you’ll find those kinds of players more often.
Stu/Novak/Spike - hardly any D-1 offers at all, all were excellent contributors
Morgan/Morris/Hardaway - none were really big time recruits by any means

Even look at West Virginia, Beilein had Ruoff, Alexander, Pittsnoggle, etc.

I wouldn’t call that “luck”. Beilein has shown over and over that he can evaluate “sleeper” recruits well. He misses, sure, but it’s not luck that we’ve gotten a lot of performance out of little recruited players.

Though our staff are great talent evaluators, there was an element of luck to Burke, Hardaway, LeVert, etc that cannot be counted on. 4 years of good fortune with diamonds in the rough isn't probably sustainable so it would be nice to see a more aggressive approach.

What about Stauskas? McGary? Robinson? Walton? Irvin? Chatman?

Good talent but if the unheralded recruits had not panned out then they would not be enough to compete for a title.

The “luck” wasn’t really in if they panned out. I’d say the only luck was that they were available - Burke (Penn St) and Levert (Ohio).

If you can evaluate, then you’ll find those kinds of players more often.
Stu/Novak/Spike - hardly any D-1 offers at all, all were excellent contributors
Morgan/Morris/Hardaway - none were really big time recruits by any means

Even look at West Virginia, Beilein had Ruoff, Alexander, Pittsnoggle, etc.

I wouldn’t call that “luck”. Beilein has shown over and over that he can evaluate “sleeper” recruits well. He misses, sure, but it’s not luck that we’ve gotten a lot of performance out of little recruited players.

If you’re going to imply that there wasn’t an element of luck than I don’t know what to tell you.

The good ones are the lucky ones.

I guess I am in the middle of this debate. There is no doubting JB’s eye for talent. And I understand his measured approach to recruiting. At the same time, it is surprising that we have not seen more top 50 guys targeted and committing given our great on court success over the last few years.

I guess I am in the middle of this debate. There is no doubting JB's eye for talent. And I understand his measured approach to recruiting. At the same time, it is surprising that we have not seen more top 50 guys targeted and committing given our great on court success over the last few years.

Agreed. As much faith as I have in JB/staff’s ability to identify and coach up 3* players, a team still needs some top-level talent to compete for championships. The success of the past two years have borne that out as both teams have featured a mix of carefully-selected role players (Morgan, Spike) and top talent (Robinson, Hardaway, Burke, Stauskas). I think UM needs to bring in at least one top 50ish guy each year to stay at its current level. Chatmon was that guy in '14; who’s it gonna be in '15?

The only suggestion I would make regarding JB’s ability to recruit and develop players is to go back 20 years not just 7. Luck with Burke perhaps but look at his WV and Richmond teams.

How did WV beat Wake Forest in 2 overtimes against Chris Paul and another NBA player in the tournament with yet again no 4 or 5 start recruits. Really had Mike Gansey, Pittsnogle and his son. All mid major players!

Go back to Richmond when he upset South Carolina in the first round think, Richmond was a 13 or 14 seed against a 2 or 3 seed. The last 4 years have been by design and the culture JB creates, from there teaching sound fundamental basketball.

Note, JB he gets more out of his teams than anyone in the country with proven results! Look out if he ever gets a bunch of five star kids, unfortunately they don’t stay. The other issue his teams are getting so good the Freshman might not play…look at Irvin, most kids will pass.

Getting a bunch of five star kids in no way guarantees success. JB is first and foremost concerned about will you be a good teammate, and will you sacrifice for the team as a whole. He knowingly recruits kids that he perceives are high character and coachable. This in no way eliminates five star kids and he surely will take one if he likes their makeup. It’s frustrating for fans desirous of following recruiting battles, but he is not gonna change. There are a lot of variables in recruiting and no two fans are going to see it equally. Sometimes you expend years and tens of thousands of dollars chasing the Bookers and Kennards of the world only to be left at the altar. Then others you sign Caris LeVert without EVER seeing him play in person and look like a genius. These unpredictable scenarios are what makes this great game what it is.

Hate to weigh in again, but i think some of you don’t get it. Top D-1 college coaching staffs are feverishly and constantly recruiting throughout each year, whether or not they are extending offers or not. JB’s offering philosophy may be counter-culture to the philosophy of Calipari et al but that does not mean they are not recruiting.

Again, I implore Michigan basketball fans to trust this coaching staff. I understand some of you have no first-hand experience with D-1 athletics. It is ridiculous to me that some of you are challenging the recruiting practices of JB. I, as a recently graduated major-conference D-1 athlete, may have a different perspective. All I am saying is that top coaching staffs, such as JB’s, are amazingly qualified to recruit. As fans, we need to just cheer on our team and not second guess practices.

Most of you have not been through top notch NCAA recruiting, so I don’t blame you for being naive. All I’m saying is that you need to realize you’re naive.

Hate to weigh in again, but i think some of you don't get it. Top D-1 college coaching staffs are feverishly and constantly recruiting throughout each year, whether or not they are extending offers or not. JB's offering philosophy may be counter-culture to the philosophy of Calipari et al but that does not mean they are not recruiting.

Again, I implore Michigan basketball fans to trust this coaching staff. I understand some of you have no first-hand experience with D-1 athletics. It is ridiculous to me that some of you are challenging the recruiting practices of JB. I, as a recently graduated major-conference D-1 athlete, may have a different perspective. All I am saying is that top coaching staffs, such as JB’s, are amazingly qualified to recruit. As fans, we need to just cheer on our team and not second guess practices.

Most of you have not been through top notch NCAA recruiting, so I don’t blame you for being naive. All I’m saying is that you need to realize you’re naive.

“Appeal to authority fallacy”