Jonah Bolden

Might as well get a thread tracking his progression


Apparently Jerry Meyer is campaigning for UK to recruit Bolden side eye

Do want.

And screw Kentucky.

Go Blue.

STAY AWAY CAL! I will continue to say Michigan should continue recruiting him and see where things shake out in the late signing period.

JB playing for JB, I want!

whos the kid with number 9 on his back. he looks better. might want him more

Blueman, the video title says it Jack McVeigh, searching google there is no mention on if he wants to attend college in the states, so maybe he plans to stay in Australia until he is draft eligible.

hes good. michigan should try to see if he wants to go to collage. hes better than bolden

From Bolden’s twitter: Will be cutting my college list to my top 5 in the coming days and will start taking visits soon.

Haven’t heard if JB is still pursuing. If so, we should make this by all accounts. Awesome to see the train start to move.

i’d be surprised if they weren’t going after him. dude seemed as excited as anyone about michigan’s tourney run.

Well I know Beilein was one of the few coaches to get out to Findlay Prep before the NCAA banned coaching visits to the school. But I never heard if Bolden was a part of that workout or not. The only name I saw was Thornton Jr.

The coaches will have a good sell to Jonah…4 spot pretty open for him to shine.

Not liking the sound of this article.

According to Bolden - Michigan is not amongst the schools “working on him the hardest”

I have to say there appears to be a growing trend, at least according to some reports, that Michigan doesn’t stay in contact, or perhaps keep in constant contact with recruits.

Could be wrong, but it seems as though coaches like Calipari or Crean are outworking us on the recruiting trail. When they want a guy, they will not be outworked, and are adamant througout the contact period, whereas Michigan is content to give a kid the pitch, and let it be.

Maybe it’s just me, but if an elite talent grows up a Michigan fan, his father has connections with former Michigan players and is from Michigan, you might want to make that recruit a priority.

Yeah, I’m not too pleased but I trust Belein. Would be a little annoying to lose another recruit to Crean, Pitino, Alford, etc

It would a little embarrassing if they didn’t even make his top 5. Sounds like all they have to do is show him a little attention and he’d be running through the door to play for Michigan. With the guys leaving next year, we could definitely use him.

According to Bolden - Michigan is not amongst the schools "working on him the hardest"

I have to say there appears to be a growing trend, at least according to some reports, that Michigan doesn’t stay in contact, or perhaps keep in constant contact with recruits.

Could be wrong, but it seems as though coaches like Calipari or Crean are outworking us on the recruiting trail. When they want a guy, they will not be outworked, and are adamant througout the contact period, whereas Michigan is content to give a kid the pitch, and let it be.

Maybe it’s just me, but if an elite talent grows up a Michigan fan, his father has connections with former Michigan players and is from Michigan, you might want to make that recruit a priority.

As much as I want Michigan to recruit well, it’s hard for me to criticize the coaching staff because I know I wouldn’t or couldn’t be a good recruiter…it just seems creepy to me. With that said, it might also be a good strategy to continue to evaluate and crank up the heat in the spring. This staff spent A LOT of time developing relationships with Booker (didn’t pan out) and Kennard (may not pan out), and relatively little time with Chatman, Trey Burke, and Tim Hardaway.

Agree to a certain extent, but if the kid releases a top 5, and Michigan doesn’t appear on that list, I would assume we will not be in the hunt in the end. Of course, things change, especially if the team is winning. But let’s be honest here, we’re not in the mold of Kentucky where we can just swoop in at the end and grab a player at will. We don’t have that storied tradition YET, and we certainly don’t have the Kentucky type of culture.

Bottom line - for coachces recruiting is a job, not a hobby, regardless of how creepy it may seem on a moral level. In today’s coaching climate, where recruiting literally begins in 7th grade, diligence is required, and I’d hate to lose out on kids simply because we’re giving the vibe that we are not prioritizing.

I just loathe a reality of Donnal/Wilson as our bigger 4 men, outside of Irvin/Chatman manning the position and getting destroyed on D