As college nicknames go, the Phoenix isn’t bad. I think the Elon Muskoxen would be better.
Game is on Big10. I’m in a hotel at an event and had to sign up for the 5 day free trial of YoutubeTV to be able to see it. It’s pretty sweet!
I’m at home. Down in the “man cave” with the big screen TV. It’s pretty sweet!
Go Blue!!! Not telling the coaches what to do, but I want to see some Cole Bajema tonight!
I’m on the big screen too!
Next week I don’t plan to be looking at the Big Screen, I hope to be in the “House that Cazzie Built!”
I’ll be on the small screen with btn plus ha ha.
Checking in from section 207 row 40! Game time!!!
That’s dedication! I had a gala event during the game at MSU last year and I ended up sneaking off to the bathroom to watch a good portion on my phone haha.
That’s why I’m driving over for the game from GR!
Ridiculous amount of turnovers here at the start.
Well, it looks like we’ll be in the bonus here shortly. It’ll be a good night to work on some free throw shooting.
Good or bad, Teske has a tendency to put a lot of mustard on those shots in close
Not the same clip from 3 tonight to start
I’m ready to see Cole get a chance in Nunez’ minutes
Just stat watching. How’s everyone looking?
Um, Asleep…
What a down shooting night to start coupled with some careless turnovers makes for a forgettable first 10 min
This opening 10 minutes has been as bad as the last 10 against App State.