European Soccer

Alas, this is why I cannot be happy for our fearless leader @umhoops

Can’t take a twitter journalist seriously who compares a potential FFP charge to Chernobyl. There’s plenty of legit sources out there that argue in good faith to find takes on the charges that aren’t sensationalistic Man United fanatics.

Reading that guy is like getting your Michigan news from the Red Cedar Message Board.

i think these europeans would be a bit less breathless about this if they knew that the actual biggest scandal in sports history happened in fall 2023 in american college football!


Actually it was before that when a recruit got a BURGER, A FREAKING BURGER

new Singapore PM is a Michigan grad



and a forward for PSV Eindhoven?

no but Singapore loves the PL so I figured this was the best repository

I’d probably still take him over Berhalter.

People are calling this a Mickey Mouse PL title

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At risk of being branded a clueless American out to ruin English football…

… brands himself as a clueless American out to ruin English football.

City had 3 draws and 1 loss against the top two. Arsenal beating City is why Arsenal is in the title race in the final day! It isn’t that crazy!

2-6-2 against the top 6 tho

Yeah, I’m not arguing it’s a particularly great year for Man City. They had some really rough patches all year until the final stretch.

“Big six” is also a hard term to use between Spurs, Chelsea, Newcastle, Man U at 5-8 and somewhat similar points. If you use the traditional “big six” I think City are 3-6-1.

I just don’t see how it changes anything about the competition format where everyone plays everyone twice.

It’s not like it is a SOS thing like you have in CBB conferences.

if someone else wanted to win the league they should have had a better record outside the top 6


he says four-team playoff but 4th place is Aston Villa who are what 15 points behind the top 3? why do they get a berth?

classic solution to a problem that doesn’t exist


I don’t know a single thing about any of the nuances and am nominally an Arsenal fan. I just don’t get the complaints. The beauty of a round robin is that it’s perfectly fair.

I did see some Arsenal fans complaining that bottom half of the table teams lay down against City so they’re rested against foes they have a chance against. Arsenal have for all intents and purposes the same points, GD, xGD, etc. etc. So the claim is that teams are like “what, Arsenal next on the scheddy? those pushovers!” but run for the hills when City are next up? C’mon bruh.

You want to win a title? Be better.

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I’m just trolling Dylan. I have 0 actual thoughts on this

I definitely don’t really think that’s true.

It wasn’t a great year for City. They are fully dependent on Rodri and went 1-3 when he was out. They also missed KDB for over half the year and Haaland underperformed xG.

I feel like the X-factor is getting bounced from the CL leading to turning on the gas in the PL. They beat Madrid, and I guarantee they’ve dropped points down the stretch in the PL.

Also people are acting like the PL is over! The last day is always crazy.

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I mean Liverpool had it in their grasp and then gacked it up with losses to Crystal Palace and Everton

There’s already more than enough cup matches to scratch the “playoff” itch. There’s really nothing like the final Premier League day when everything aligns and half the matches mean something.

If anything, I’d love a legit self-sustained minor league system for the NFL and NBA with relegation and promotion over here. Obviously the owners would never go for it, but imagine seeing the Bears after sucking last year and getting relegated playing on the Des Moines/ Grand Rapids/El Paso/Sacramento circuit for a year. Would be fng great.

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The rest of the world thinks North American sports are nuts for playing endless regular seasons that don’t matter, except for determining seeding for a tournament at the end of the season that decides everything.

… and they have a point. Our season formats are really weird if you think about it. They should resist any attempt to introduce a playoff.