Eric Davis - New Film from Top 100 Camp

Apparently Davis had himself quite a day yesterday. Might be a bad comparison, but Davis reminds me of Gary Payton somewhat - similar size, and neither of them have a game that is a aesthetically pleasing, but both seem to score at a good clip. Davis has the pull up jumpshot in the lane or baseline much the same Payton did as well. Davis needs to develop court vision in order to fully develop his game.

My personal view is that Davis is overrated as a top 30-40 player (I think 60-80 is more appropriate), but I must say that his jumpshot looks improved from this film. Has nice balance on his jumpshot, good release point, and its a true jumpshot vs. a set shot. He isn’t the most athletic player by any means, neither in terms of speed, lateral movement, or jumping ability, but he is long. I wouldn’t mind snatching him if he comes here as a 2, but there is no way he can play the 1, simply doesn’t have the ball handling ability or court vision. Still prefer Jalen Coleman by a healthy margin, he is a better player than Davis in all areas in my opinion.

The only things that Jalen Coleman does better is move without the basketball and shoot off the catch and off the dribble with more range.

Guestavo - we sound like broken records with our debate on this, but Coleman is a better athlete, ball handler, finisher, defender and passer in my view.

Not as down on Davis as MP though, I do think Davis is a good player, but under no circumstances would I let him play at the 1.

My fear with Davis is that he may need to dominate the ball to be productive… Beilein’s system requires great ball movement to be effective

ball handler, passer, and finisher? No way, those are Davis’ advantages. Similar athletes and defender.

You also his underrate ability to separate and create space, transition game, footwork, quickness, length, ability to use ball screens and understanding of triple threat. Dude has a keen sense of using his body and understands angles.

He may be ball dominant but that can be coached out similar to LeVert.

In no way do I think Davis is a better ball handler or finisher (especially in traffic) than Coleman. Coleman is a better athlete, but the advantage isn’t huge. Passing is up for debate, because it is first nature for both to shoot, but I like Coleman’s passing off PnR.

This is the camp for the top 100 GLIAC recruits right?

Show me footage of Coleman not only handling the ball but doing advanced moves? Across sites he is deemed a true SG and below average handler. There is TONS of footage of Davis understanding how t use his handle to create space.

As far as athleticism? Coleman is a better vertical leaper but Davis is quicker.

And Davis has a floater game and shot a similar percentage as Coleman despite a lowe 3 pt %, I can’t buy Coleman as a better finisher. Davis also had a positive A:T, while Coleman’s was negative.

Never said Coleman displays advanced moves, only stated that Coleman is a better ball handler than Davis (who has a high dribble).

Creating space? Coleman is literally lethal with the step back and understands how to create space with the dribble and triple threat.

Finishing isn’t even close in my opinion. Look at literally any film, and you’ll see Coleman’s body control on full display in the half court and in transition.

Passing - again I just looked at the film, and Coleman has suprisingly good court vision.

Take a look at some of the footage out there and tell me what you see.

Davis just finds ways to score guys, I’ve seen it in person a dozen times. I think it is fair to say he has a tendency to be ball dominant, but he is so self assured in that is his nature. He is a very under rated attacker of the rim and is fearless in that aspect. He is not gonna finish in spectacular ways but the ball seems to always find the net. He will not wow you physically but he is deceptively long and lithe and has room to fill out. I will not be disappointed if he ends up here in lieu of Coleman passing on us.

Well put, Chez - I agree with most of your assessment. I won’t be disappointed if he comes either, so long as it is the 2 spot, no potential for him to play the 1 in my view. Good player, but I think a top 35ish ranking is a reach.

I’ve watched Coleman play Huntington Prep and watched an EYBL game,

Show me this footage, MattD? EYBL and NBATop100 already show Davis as a better passer and 2 pt FG % guy than Coleman.

Coleman creates space around the arc, show me footage of Coleman using his dribble to penetrate and get his defender off balance? I’ve seen Davis do this consistently. And he has a mid-range and floater game which makes it even more lethal.

As far as handle, I can’t even evaluate Coleman because he seemingly only handles in transition and for 1,2 dribble pull-ups.

Coleman’s shooting and off-ball movement puts him on equal ground with Davis.

He has a lot of room for growth Matt, his J is vastly improved from a year ago. Another aspect of his game I like is his innate ability to get to the foul line. I wonder what his FT attempts were in the EYBL this spring? Definitely the kind of player who would grow and improve under our staff. They know him very well.



I wouldn’t bet on getting either Davis or Coleman. Good discussion, though. I’m really hoping that we can get Prince on campus and sell him. I’d put him ahead of both Davis and Coleman because of his length, versatility, athleticism and defensive play.

I wouldn't bet on getting either Davis or Coleman. Good discussion, though. I'm really hoping that we can get Prince on campus and sell him. I'd put him ahead of both Davis and Coleman because of his length, versatility, athleticism and defensive play.

This is something I think we can all agree on. Throw Dozier and Bacon in there, too. Getting them on campus is going to be hard, though.

Coleman is supposedly high on ND and they are neck and neck with UM.

Davis is probably headed to NC St to follow in a long line of SGs trying to be PGs: Lorenzo Brown, Tyler Williams, Rodney Purvis, etc…

Will provide more later, but for now:

Uses spin to create space off the dribble in the paint at :10, :15 marks, eurostep to create space in the paint at :25 mark, creates space with dribble and athletic finishes from :40 mark to :55 mark, lethal stepback at 1:00 mark, midrange pullup at 1:11 mark, swing through and spin move to create space at 1:40 mark, midrange stepback at 1:45 mark, midrange pullup at 2:43 mark, spinmove to get to the rim at 2:53 mark, midrange stepback at 3:28 mark, midrange pullups at 3:45 and 4:10

Great body control and athletic finishes at the :45, :50, 1:30, 1:33, 2:05, 2:10

Floater at :49 mark, passing on display from 1 minute mark on

Step back jumper at :46 & :56 mark

So basically pull-ups, catch and shoots and transition finishes? The stats nor full games back up Coleman as good inside the arc (especially at the rim) or as a passer. They just don’t. No one is saying he isn’t capable of a pass or a finish at the rim occasionally but it isn’t a strength.

I also don’t see how Davis’ finishes are not athletic and Coleman’s are, despite Davis drawing more fouls and shooting a higher percentage inside the arc?

Coleman is literally lethal with the step back

Holy crap! Not sure we need that kind of kid at Michigan…Beilein isn’t keen on character issues. Coleman should stop literally killing dudes and just settle for juking them out of their shorts.


Eric Davis
6’2 Saginaw North/The Family
Davis is a scorer. His game looks most comfortable when he is taking his shot in the rhythm of dribble, but once he deferred to Juwan Evans and played off the ball, Davis’s game flourished. In his second game last night, Davis went off for 32 points, as he used an assortment of three pointers, pull ups, and getting to the free throw line 12 times.