College Hoops Open Thread: Week of 1/29/14

Wow Florida Getting a Huge Boost: NCAA Finally Declares Chris Walker Eligible

This could potentially help them a lot.

They’ll lose in the E8 as usual.

Lol… they’ve got two National Championships in the past 10 years. Billy D is a good coach and Florida is most definitely a NC contender.

That being said, we sure whooped that *** last year.

Their last NC was in 07 and they’ve underachieved ever since. Billy Donovan is a solid coach but the SEC sets them and UK up to underachieve unless they have multiple lottery picks, which this UF team does not.

I wouldn’t really consider 5 Elite 8s and 2 National Championships in the past 8 seasons “underachieving”, but that’s just me. How many programs have had better results since 2006?

The last championship was 7 years ago

And when you’re projected to go the F4 every year only to get bounced in the E8 repeatedly, you are underachieving

No one is questioning Donovan’s legacy but they supposedly been perennial tittle contender since his 3 lottery picks left and it doesn’t add up, which is what I was saying…

2013/2014: Preaseason #8, Currently #3
2012/2013: Preseason #10, lost in Elite 8
2011/2012: Preseason #8, lost in Elite 8
2010/2011: Preseason #9, lost in Elite 8
2009/2010: Preseason Unranked, lost in 1st round
2008/2009: Preseason #19, Missed NCAAT
2007/2008: Preseason Unranked, Missed NCAAT
2006/2007: Preseason #1, Won National Championship
2005/2006: Preseason Unranked, Won National Championship

NCAA Championships since 2006:
Florida - 2
Kansas - 1
North Carolina - 1
Duke - 1
UConn - 1
Kentucky - 1
Louisville - 1

I don’t know how you can look at that and consider Florida to be “underachievers”. Again, what do I know. Guestavo is never wrong.

That league is a joke.

If the season ended now, the SEC probably only has three deserving tournament teams: Florida, Kentucky, and Missouri

I realize it is a completely different league than it used to be, but it doesn’t help that these are the worst Marquette, Georgetown, and Butler teams we’ve seen in a while.


When you bring in tons of 5 and 4 stars and are projected to make the F4 every year but don’t, it’s underachieving. The fact that you’re referencing championships back in 2006 and 2007 when Donovan had 3 lottery picks says it all.

Wake is a weird team. I saw them play at UVA and they got throttled which I wasn’t expecting because UVA doesn’t usually put up many points, although this year is proving to be a different team.

I am not surprised that they didn’t pull of the upset.

F4 translates to Final 4, as in 4 teams.
Florida has been preseason ranked 8, 9, and 10 the past three years.

7, 8, and 9 teams were projected to be better than Florida, so the comment of “projected to make the Final 4 every year” is b/s. Making the Final 4 would have been overachieving. Making the Elite 8 is not underachieving. If Florida has underachieved as of late, so has 98% of college basketball.

You don’t have a current 3rd overall PASE by UNDERachieving.

No they were not. Preseason and before the NCAA tournament are two different things. Most analyst had them reaching the F4 and possible Championship game for many of the past few years. 98% of basketball don’t pull in top 10 classes annually. Good god you’re unbearable. Go bother someone else.

So you want to go by tournament seeds?

2012/2013 - 2 seed… Lost in Elite 8
2011/2012 - 7 seed… Lost in Elite 8
2010/2011 - 2 seed… Lost in Elite 8

Again, that is not underachieving. Donovan has performed ABOVE EXPECTATIONS the past three seasons based on tournament seeding.

“98 % of basketball doesn’t pull in top 10 classes annually.” …Neither does Florida, unless you have a different definition of “top 10” or “annually” than I do.

Team Recruiting Rankings:
2013: Florida 8 (and currently ranked #3 in the AP without top recruit)
2012: Florida 25
2011: Florida 25
2010: Florida 19
2009: Florida 15
2008: Florida 10

You took a shot at me for not bringing facts to my arguments. Now I’ve brought facts and I’m “unbearable”? Stay consistent, guestavo. You are wrong here and it won’t kill you or your reputation to admit it one time.

Dude, I could honestly care what you think. UF fans will be the first to tell you that they haven’t performed up to expectations and analyst have tons of articles that you can backtrace that shows UF as being expected to reach the F4 at minimum. The SEC has always lowered Florida’s seeding but they have always been a team that gets thrown around as NC contender and F4 likely.

You do realize I can look at where there recruiting classes were ranked if you’re going to lie right?

I used Rivals recruiting Team Rankings. Feel free to list the past 6 years from another site.

Per 247Sports:

2013: 16th
2012: 29th
2011: 35th
2010: 6th

Regardless, they haven’t pulled in “top 10 classes annually”. Not even close.

They’ve had 5-8 composite 5 star recruits and tons of 4 stars since 2009, other schools shouldn’t be so lucky.

Wake is very, very tough to beat at home.