College Basketball Open Discussion

I saw that coming lol :eyes:

And… they just picked it up. But it was really bad for a good 6-7 minutes.

Wow terrible awful horrible inexcusable foul. Words can’t describe how disastrous that was. You have one thing you can’t do there.

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Oh no, Seton Hall :man_facepalming:

They were so intent on committing an over the back to set up the game losing free throws. They fouled like three times and finally got called for one :man_facepalming:

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How did SH not have an OOB play called there? They had a timeout to discuss it and still looked utterly lost :exploding_head:

Rough final 1.9 seconds for that guy on Seton Hall… Commits a foul 90 ft away from the basket and then drops a Hail Mary.


Welp, time to switch to Pitt-Duke. 4 point game with 2 minutes to go!

Oh, and this Duke team is still as lacking as I said they were on first viewing :roll_eyes:

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Alabama :eyes: :eyes: :eyes: :eyes: :eyes: :eyes: :eyes:

Wow, you know it’s bad when they lose despite Jalen Johnson going off for 24, 15 and 7. This Duke team just isn’t good

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23 3s at a 54% clip!! Petty and Primo 14/18 from downtown :flushed:

I am guessing they didn’t take many mid-range jumpers.

Haven’t watched a minute of them this year - are they good or is the SEC just really really bad?

Capel is the first former Duke assistant not named Brey to beat K I think.


Might want to cover the right wing from that graphic or left wing
if you’re playing against them.

Bama had three guys (Petty, Primo, and Quinerly) combine to shoot 20/25 from deep. :astonished: Rest of the team was 3/18.


Alabama is pretty good and Nate Oats is a great coach. They started off a little slow and picked up some non conference losses, but they are a dominant offensive team. I’m not sure who good their defense will be all season, and a great defense in Clemson was able to stop Alabama’s offense. But I think they are a legit top 15 team, if not top 10 like kenpom has them.


Torvik top 15 over the last month:


Very interesting. But Minnesota at 11?!?!?!