College Basketball Open Discussion

I can’t believe I’m about to defend Calipari, but that all honestly sounds like someone who has an ax to grind or just wants to say something provocative to cause a stir. The recruiting visits I completely buy, but I find it hard to believe he doesn’t try to coach or that he would explicitly, in front of the whole team, tell players they weren’t allowed back. Maybe the coaching doesn’t work because the players know they’re headed to the NBA and he certainly has a lot more control of the roster than other coaches, but I doubt it’s so black and white.


I don’t think it’s like that really. That 2017 had 3 one and dones in Bam/Fox/Monk and 2 of them have hit the jackpot. Hawkins was a senior. They had a real good year and guys went pro. You may not want to root for him but his players adore him. Look at how many players were at the podium with him for his HOF induction speech. Very rarely have you ever seen something like that and probably never again (covid).

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I believe Cal has said before that he tells them not to come back. Personally I have no issue with it. Guys like Deearon Fox need to leave, and I like that Cal is honest with them. It’s also probably self serving in a way since he’s likely recruited over them and it’s helpful to his brand if his 5* leave.

But There’s no BS in general with Cal.

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I mean they literally had players come back to the team the next season. It’s not that he’s kicking players off the team, moreso that he does the opposite of what this board accuses Izzo of, in that he encourages players to go pro when they’re ready to get drafted.


Yeah, I think there’s a story of him pulling Dajuan Wagner’s scholarship at Memphis to make sure he went pro.

I agree, I just don’t think he did it in exactly the way Fox describes it. I imagine he’s a bit smarter/subtler than that.

I actually don’t have a problem with Calipari. He’s the most honest of the “cheaters.” Puts up no facade that they are anything but a basketball academy. And I think that’s why recruits go there.

Also, think he’s a better coach than he gets credit for.


Agreed I think with a lot of those kids they probably go in knowing that it’s going to be 1 year and out or with the intention of it being 1 year. Some guys play their way into 1 and done like Herro. Some like Khalil Whitney say screw it leave midseason and are in basketball oblivion right now.

IMO that ``not trying to win games’’ is different expression of a sales pitch. What Fox said:

Fox’s team won games – 32 of them to be exact – but the former Wildcat feels that wasn’t Calipari’s focus during his short time with the program. In his eyes, the UK head coach builds his rosters with NBA talent and knows the wins will come as a result. The focus is on player development.

“When he’s able to get those guys, you find success,” Fox said. “Cal couldn’t give a damn about winning college basketball games. If he’s getting guys who he knows he can end up developing into NBA players, you’re automatically going to win 30 games a year just from that alone. That’s what I loved.

He gets who he wants and wins tons of games because he tells them what they want to hear. Is it the best recruiting strategy? Maybe not. Arguable. But it’s not a terrible one. Four FFs this decade, dominates his conference, and has a ring. If he had 2 rings he’s an overwhelming success.


He spent basically the whole article praising Cal, so I don’t think he has any axe to grind. They just run a weird program.

I think Cal is just a polarizing guy. He recruits a lot of one and dones and if they do go early fans automatically look to see where they get drafted and if they won a national title. If they get drafted extremely high and they don’t win Cal gets criticized for not winning. If he brings in a highly touted guy and he doesn’t leave early Cal gets criticized for not developing him.

If Howard does well at Michigan it will happen here as well. Eg a top 10 recruit in Houstan may have a good year but may stay. A lot of people will look at Howard and say he didn’t develop him.

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Top ten teams according to sly in the country

  1. Baylor
  2. Zags
  3. Michigan
  4. Texas
  5. Nova
  6. Wisconsin
  7. Tennessee
  8. Iowa.
  9. Texas tech
  10. Louisville
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Generous take on Louisville, what do you like about them?

Quite a lot of apparent drop-off between the number three and six teams. :wink:

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I loved their 2019 class. Thought it might be the best class in the country if you consider the long term ie talent plus no one and dones. Mack hit the sweet spot.

This also is taking to account that they have and had devastating injuries Malik Williams will be back in February which will bring a huge veteran presence downlow.

I loved Williamson and Withers in particular and both are starting to show why. Add in Jones and Johnson I’m the backcourt and that’s a very good starting 5.


I also liked Aidan and Nickelberry a lot in that class too although neither is doing much or playing much. One or both of them should improve.

Then they got Traynor who has been a nice frosh and is improving game by game.

Theyre alented and potentially deep. I think they will continue to improve. It’s more projection based at this point but I think they get there.

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Oakland and BGSU pick up wins tonight. BGSU with a nice road win over Buffalo, who’s ranked ahead of them in every advanced metric. Oakland with a home win over Youngstown State puts them 1 game under .500 in the Horizon.


You just hate to see it.


Lil Buddy Boeheim 0-8 from 3 lol

And Joe Girard barely even sees the court in the 2nd half.

Baylor is really good.

And Texas Tech has done an impressive job of shooting up my most hated programs list. Weren’t even on my radar before we played them in the tourney, now theyre easy top 5.