College Basketball Open Discussion

Suggs has been great this year but Eli would definitely get that assignment. You are never going to shut down a guy like that but he is in the archetype that Eli is an effective defender against.

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My concern might be Brooks getting shot over with Suggs at 6’4, but A) I would take those attempts all day over the other Gonzaga options and B) that’s not really Suggs’ game. He’s only taken 32 threes this year and is more of a drive to score type guy.

Which is scary since he’s a 40% 3 point shooter. Eli might do ok but I just see Gonzaga having 5 NBA guys starting for them right now and I can see them exploiting a mismatch because there would be.

Seeing a lot of discussion here and elsewhere about resume’s and things like watching what the MAC schools do, etc. Aren’t we at a point where if Michigan meets expectations as they currently stand (win the B1G, KenPom projects 20-4 before BTT, top 5 team, etc.) where they should be a 1 seed, 2 seed at worst?

Its nice those MAC wins are going to be good (probably better than we thought) wins but a team that wins the B1G and has a solid record should get a good seed once its all said and done.

I think Michigan’s ability to switch a lot of perimeter options would be effective. You don’t worry about Franz switching onto Suggs, for example.

Yeah, I mean if Michigan wins the Big Ten I think they are a 1 or 2 seed. But just a long way to go until that point. The numbers will take of themselves.

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UCF is really a miserable team. Can’t believe I’m watching this game against Temple right now.

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How the hell did they beat FSU?!

Gonzaga missing open shots and dribbling the ball of their foot, allowing Pepperdine to hang around so far in 1st half. Zaga will probably just go on a 50-5 run in the 2nd half to run away with it but until then I’ll dream of a loss.

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My exact typed up post before seeing yours was “Gonzaga only up two on Pepperdine at the under 8. They might only win by 40.”

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Well we didn’t have to wait until the 2nd half for them to start to pull away. Nice to see the broadcast talking up Michigan for a couple minutes during game play!

And actually Pepperdine just cut the lead back down to 5, maybe the Michigan talk jinxed Zaga

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A game after giving up 1.11 PPP to Portland’s 315th ranked offense, Gonzaga is getting shredded on D again, this time by a Pepperdine team that hasn’t played in three weeks.

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Matt Haarms sighting on ESPN2.

Quick summation: The NCAA is going to stick as closely to the true S-curve to seed teams as possible.

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Gonna wait for someone to just make an s curve bracket before I try to interpret it too much.

But there’s real value to being the first or second 2 seed in that you’re guaranteed to avoid Gonzaga/Baylor


This article is actually super interesting to read. Fox basically just stream of consciousness’d and some of these quotes are something else. Kentucky is a weird place.

I knew where I was going the whole time. I was like, “So I’m about to go spend the colleges’ money, go have a good time, spend time with my parents, take whoever I want to go on these official visits. But the whole time I knew I was going to Kentucky.”

“Louisville had just gotten in trouble for the stripper s***, so my mom was like, “You’re not going there.” Went to LSU (on a visit) because I wanted to go to Baton Rouge for a weekend. Kansas, Bill Self ain’t playing no freshmen over juniors and seniors, they had Devonte’ Graham and Frank Mason at the time. I knew I wasn’t going to play there. Kentucky was the only real choice

He’ll put X’s and O’s but at the end of the day, everything’s going to end up in a pick and roll or isolation. That’s what the NBA is too.”

“Cal couldn’t give a damn about winning college basketball games.”

Fox and the 2016-17 team’s other stars were told after the team’s heartbreaking loss to North Carolina in the Elite Eight that they would not be back the following year whether they wanted to return or not.

“We lost on a buzzer-beater,” Fox said. “Cal brings us in about 20 minutes after, he said, “All of y’all are gone.” Brought us all in there, said, “You’re done, you’re not coming back. If you need us, you have our numbers, we’ll help you with whatever, but you’re not playing another college basketball game.”‘


Thanks, Cal. I would have won my pool that year had you won that game.

All of which raises the question–what the heck does Cal get out of it all in terms of satisfaction? Just loves schmoozing and being seen as a swinging appendage?

I couldn’t imagine cheering for that guy as our coach. It’s one thing to recruit one and dones, but to actually make that decision for them and kick them out after a year?

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Despite not caring about winning a lot of basketball games, Calipari does in fact win a lot of basketball games. He also makes a lot of money.