College Basketball Open Discussion

What the heck was that?

It’s devastating to undisciplined man to man defenses.

Might be a stupid question, but I understand that Gonzaga runs a modified flex offense. Is there a big difference between the modified flex and the standard flex that Providence runs? (I’m guessing, yes?)

I’ve never thought of Gonzaga as a flex team, maybe I don’t watch enough of them? Most recently they’ve been known for running a ton of continuity ball screen.


lololololol last night He tweeted “what NBA team will be after Juwan?” or something and I replied “the ones that aren’t going after Ed Cooley”


Feel like Goodman was always a bit prone to being a blowhard but ever since ESPN kicked him to the curb he’s really amped it up.

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I will never stop giving these national guys like goodman, evan daniels and brian snow grief about the cooley stuff after they talked down to um fans who would dare question their boy cooleys coaching acumen(despite um fans providing numerous stats that backed it up being questionable).


Brian Snow is kinda an OSU homer, he probably knew Cooley wasn’t a great coach lol


For those following the Toledo storyline, they obliterated Eastern by 30 yesterday and are now up to 68 on Kenpom and 56 in the NET.


Wow that’d be pretty great if they managed to get into the top 50.




Major hit for UConn

We ran it also. I don’t remember the spacing being quite that tight but then, we had a bunch of guys 6 feet tall. With college-sized bigs it just looks comical :joy:

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Is that claymation?


I like the 4 guys in the paint. Can’t wait for Howard to roll out a starting lineup of Dickinson/Davis/Faulds/Johns

:rofl: I remember coaching against a team in HS that exclusively ran the flex. Their kids were all big lumbering types and I called it the Frankenstein Flex. We just taught our kids their cuts and they had no chance of getting a good look. Thanks for sparking that memory.

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Listening to Eye on College Basketball podcast and they just brought up a fantastic stat. MSUs win at Duke is a Q3 loss. Hilarious!


So coming into today’s action NC State was ranked 54 and Toledo was 56 in the NET. After NC State got destroyed by FSU, I assume Toledo will now overtake NC State in the updated rankings. We may actually benefit being forced to swap an ACC opponent with a MAC opponent, though we didn’t get a chance at the road win.


NC State was a home game so it ended up the same.

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