College Basketball Open Discussion

Great points about Garza. HD is also 2 years younger, and the NBA likes that.

My question though is whether Dickinson’s clearly better defense makes him a significantly better NBA prospect. It’s still going to be a weakness NBA teams can and probably will successfully exploit.

I don’t think Hunter will ever be a slam dunk NBA prospect just because of the type of player he is. But his decision to go pro whenever he does will be impacted by the fact that he’s old for his class.


Really? I feel like this is noted constantly on this board.

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not really :grin:

I was half-joking. Hunter’s 2pt percentage is so higher, there is really no benefit for him to attempt three even he is 50% 3 pt shooter.

But how much better is their offense when he’s in there as opposed to when he’s on the bench? As noted, everything is a trade-off.

They certainly aren’t the only way, but they are absolutely PART of defense. All other things being equal, I’ll take a player who blocks shot over one who doesn’t.

The offense is actually worse with Garza on the court. :flushed:


I’m not saying to read too much into on/off stats… but Garza is just an awful defender and the trade off is basically everything. That’s the issue with his draft stock and it isn’t really going to change.

Mid-range jump shooting is also not a stat that gets considered when evaluating big men for NBA potential.

Then I guess the question is, why do they play him at all if having him out there is a net negative in spite of the huge individual stats he puts up every night? It’s not like their coaches don’t track that. Unless everyone on the bench is an even worse negative. And why does everyone think he’s such a great college player?

2021 Michigan recruiting target Carter Whitt is playing for Wake Forest now. Joined the team 2 weeks ago and is playing a fair bit.


Because he puts up great counting stats?

Garza is a really good college player and incredible offensively. He’s why Iowa is good this year. No one denies that. Just trying to paint a picture of why he could have a POTY type season last year and have no NBA intrigue.


I love myself some analytics don’t get me wrong but when the numbers show the Iowa team is worse offensively with the most efficient offensive player in college basketball history on the floor, I’d be careful drawing any major conclusions.

What exactly are we trying to say there, the NPOY makes Iowa worse?


I don’t believe Dylan said that.

Dickinson has shown he very likely could develop a shot at some point, and he can at least possibly play solid drop overage in the NBA. There is no from of defense Garza will do well at, he’s not a good passer (something being lost in this discussion as well) which makes his offensive post up abilities almost useless at the NBA level.


Well look at the total possessions he’s in on 73.5% of all their possessions. He has 2 games where he only played 17 and 20 minutes respectively, and 3 other games playing 25 minutes or less. Since their schedule ramped up with Gonzaga and the Big Ten schedule he has played 84% of game minutes which is a lot to ask of any player. Iowa looks much better now that Murray has been getting more run. He gets a lot of hustle stats rebs/blocks/steals, can run the court and has been hitting shots.


I just disagree that the answer to “why does everyone think he’s such a great college player” is his “counting stats”.

I believe I saw an efficiency/volume chart in the forums earlier this year where there wasn’t any singular player in the same stratosphere as Garza. He’s historically dominant on that end and yes it’s why Iowa has a real chance to win the conference despite his/their defense being putrid.

No, that’s not what I’m saying. He might be one of the first NPOY’s to ever have negative on/off splits though, although there’s a lot of time for that to correct.

I’m just trying to point out that he’s both a historically good offensive player and a historically bad defensive player. That’s all.

And his efficiency/usage stats are also impressive… I was including those in “counting stats” … He scores a ton of points and is incredibly efficient. Those are things that get you NPOY honors but they don’t get you drafted.


There’s a ton of good non B1G action for anyone who’s done with OSU-Rutgers like me.

Wake Forest tied with Duke @ Cameron Indoor in the 2nd half.

NC State down 4 to Miami at NC State.

Auburn up 4 at home over Alabama in Sharief Cooper’s first game.

#4 Texas @ #14 WVU in progress as well.

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Why did Shaka Smart deprive us of his luscious, curly locks all these years?! Dude looks amazing!


Statistically it doesn’t. Not at the college level.

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If there were any justice in the world, Duke would drop out of the rankings after close wins over ACC dregs BC and Wake Forest. But alas…